IMAGE UCS2-04.jpg

energy. Life is antientropic. It is spontaneously inquisitive. It sorts out and
endeavors to understand. Live is metaphysical.

“Universe is then the aggregate of all humanity’s consciously apprehended and
communicated nonsimultaneous and only partially overlapping experiences.

Aggregatemeans sum-totally but nonunitarily conceptual as of any one
Consciousness means an awareness of otherness. Apprehension
means information furnished by those wave frequencies tunable within man’s
limited sensorial spectrum.
Communicated means informing self or others.
Nonsimultaneousmeans not occurring at the same time. Overlapping is
used because every event has duration, and their initiatings and terminatings
are most often of different duration. A man is born, grows up, has children and
grandchildren. His life overlaps that of his grandfather and farther and that
of his children and grandchildren. But his grandfather’s life did not overlap
his children’s nor his grandchildren’s lives. Hence, partially overlapping.

“We find no record of man having defined the Universe—scientifically and
comprehensively—to include both the metaphysical and the physical. The
scientist was able to define physical Universe by virtue of the experimentally
verified discovery that energy can neither be created nor lost; therefore that
energy is conserved; therefore it is finite. Thus, man has been able to define
successfully physical Universe—but not, as yet, the metaphysical Universe

“Our definition of Universe includes both the objective and the subjective, i.e.,
all voluntary experiences (experiments) as well as all involuntary experiences
R. Buckminster Fuller

Universe2001is all the physical plus all the metaphysical.

Universe2001is inclusive. It includes not only the planets, stars, and the galaxiesIt
includes not only the
atoms, molecules, and the bodies of dead plants, animalsand
humans. But it also includes light, particles ,and the behavior of living plants,
animalsand humans—which includes awareness, instinct,emotion, purpose,
goals, values, motivation, choice, decision, mind, spiritand consciousness.

IMAGE UCS2-03.jpg

76R. Buckminster Fuller, SYNERGETICS, 1975-79, ibid

What Do We Know?
Chapter 4

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


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Universe2001is all the thus-far observationally known to exist phenomena and all the
thus-far non-observationally known to exist noumena. This includes the objective—
what we can see as well as the non-objective—what we cannot see. This includes the
physical—what we can feel as well as the nonphysical—what we cannot feel.

Universe2001is inclusive. It is then as completea model of Nature—as complete a
model of
reality—as total humanity2001can create.


This does not mean Universe is imaginary. It does not mean Universe is fabulous. It
does not mean that Universe is non-existent. Universe is a model of
reality. Reality
may be non-physical. Reality may be non-objective. But reality exists and Universe is

Arthur Young77, R. Buckminster Fuller78, and Edward Haskell79made major
contributions to our understanding of Universe
2001. Universe2001is our total
understanding thus far of all that humanity
knowsof and about NATURE.

Universe2001is unity and it is also aunity ofunities, that follows one universal set
of principles
or truths.

Max Plank’s discovery that lightis aquantum of actionand the discovery of
synergyturn the scientific world upside down. Our time-binding power is master of
cause and effect and yet that power which we call reason has to start with something;
it cannot admit first cause. Try it on yourself; you will always find yourself asking
what was the cause of the first cause. “Which came first the chicken or the egg?”
Reason begins at the other end, with objects, and proceeds to divide the objects into

We can trust neither our power of reason nor our our power of intuition separately; we
need both. We do not live in ‘space’. We do not live in ‘time’. We live in ‘space-time’. Our

IMAGE UCS2-03.jpg

77Arthur Young, The Reflexive Universe, 1976, ibid
78R. Buckminster Fuller,SYNERGETICS, 1975-79, ibid
79Edward Haskell, FULL CIRCLE, 1972, ibid

What Do We Know?
Chapter 4

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-04.jpg

Universe is not composed of ‘wholes’; our Universe is not composed of ‘parts’.

Universe is composed of ‘wholes-parts’. ‘Wholes’ and ‘parts’ are compliments. They
complete each other. Together they form a

Universe wears the faces of Process, Action, Choice, Restraint, Hierarchy, Purpose, and

All ‘wholes-parts’ in ‘space-time’ have substanceand form. The substance is ‘matter-
’, and form is order. Order is the structure, organization, and pattern of that

Order’ is as fundamental as ‘space-time’—as fundamental as ‘matter-energy’. And,
we will discovery in the next chapter, that ‘
order’ is the third fundamental of Nature.

What Do We Know?
Chapter 4

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken