not the simple motion of plants. This is mobility—running, jumping, leaping,
swinging, swimming, creeping, stalking, crawling, diving, and flying.
shelter—and in any direction. The mobility of the space-binder is not just motion, it is
controlled motion. The space-binder moves in search of food. For grazing animals the
quest is continuous; for predators, occasional but more strenuous. And all animals are
under constant threat from natural enemies. The animal, therefore, requires sense
awareness – awareness of the space in which he lives. The space-binder uses his
awareness to find food and to warn him of the approach of enemies. A deer may be
motivated by thirst to go to a waterhole, but if it senses a lion, it will refrain. It must
continuously evaluate conflicting stimuli and choose between alternatives,
alternatives of pleasure or pain, alternatives of good space or bad space. Space-binders
are aware of space, they are aware and they think, they think and they decide –
constantly making controlled choices as to where and when to move.
whole situation. When the rabbit hears a sound in the thicket, he must react
instantly, "fight or flight" and the decision must be made now, based on the whole
situation. There is no time for analysis. Only wholistic thinking has the rapidity and
flexibility to allow survival in the adversary world of space-binders. The power to
allow animals move instantly towards good space—space that enables one to
survive, and away from bad space—space that produces injury or death.
intelligence. It includes the space-mind. The space-mindis responsible forsurvival
in space. The space-mind also controls your body in space. The space-mind dances.
The space-mind walks. The space-mind jumps. If you are an bird the space-mind flies.
The space-mind crawls. The space-mind leaps through the trees. The space-mind
controls motion and behavior in space.
to be published by the author in Volume 6 of UnCommon Sense—SafePassage,~2002
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TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
is a question of survival.
Ibeingtreated? How does realityfeel?
up its pictures of reality. These include the ten dimensions of of our external senses—
visionin stereoand color, hearingin stereo, plus smell, taste, touch,
temperature, and vibratory sense. Space-mind makes a multi-dimensional sense
pictureof the here and now. It also includes all the internalsense data, I am
experiencing at the moment of perception.
important internal senses as example those produced by the vestibular
organs—semi-circular canals and otolith organs. The semi-circular canals
sense rotation and angular acceleration in three orthogonal planes. The
otolith senses linear motion, linear acceleration, and perhaps gravity.“27
groups, position of all limbs, state of fatigue, etc., as well as feelings of hunger, thirst,
and also the emotional tone—feelings of anger or fear, etc., etc., etc..
now moment that is being perceivedby the space-mind.
single—now—moment. All sensory components of the —now—moment are equal.
The perception has length, width, depth, color, directional sound, smell, taste, touch,
temperature, and vibration, and tightly bound to this same perceptare all internal
sensations of complex motion, state of the organism, and emotional tone.
all comes back in a flash.
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TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
sameness. It creates its multi-dimensional picture of reality. All components of the
“percept“ are equal to all other components. It searchs its memory for sameness, what
memories are the same as the —now— moment.
turns red. To the associative space-mind"Red ISstop". The red light equalsSTOP.
Red is identicalwith stop.
for sameness. If it finds any sameness, it recalls that memory as a whole.
dimensional sense data into a WHOLE and calls every part of that Percept equal to
every other part of the Percept. Functionally, thespace-mindis a Space-Associative
Perceiversynthesizing sense data into wholes, synthesizing: SAMENESS INTO
Associative Perceiverplaces an equal sign (=) between each part of the Percept. The
Percept is the multi-dimensional sense-imageof the moment called NOW. The space-
mindof animals and humans perceive this moment as simultaneousand local.
snapshot of the here and now.
Chapter 2
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
Synthesizing wholes in order to survive.
BEING—To be or not to be is a question of survival.
A = B, and B = A
A = B, and equally valid B = A
other. They are the same—they equaleach other—they are identical. If the effectof
a mistake isbad, then the causeof a mistake is also bad. All humans have a space-
mind. It is a powerful and often dominant part of our human intelligence. As children
the space-mind is primary. The time-minddoesn’t even begin to become operational
in children until they reach the age of four.
mistakes as small children. If I stumble while running, I get hurt and that isbad. If
an animal is running for its life and stumbles, it dies and that isbad. For space-
binders, mistakes are a part of bad space.
space-binder, but also the lives of others in the group—pack, pride, herd, or troop.
Therefore the result of a mistake was often bad, and not just for the individual, but for
others in the group as well. Since 99.9% of all human history has been adversary—
99.9% of our history dominated by space-binding, it is no wonder that we humans have
believed for countless centuries that mistakes arebad.
Chapter 2
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
by our human religions. God is good. God is omniscience—ALL knowing. God
makes no mistakes. He is perfect. We humans are admonished to be as God-like as
possible. If making no mistakes is ‘good’, then obviously making mistakes is ‘bad’.
Our religions institutionalized the adversary processing of mistakes—Sin, Hellfire,
and Damnation.
the ‘objective science’ of Galileo, Kepler, Hooke, and Newton was a ‘perfect’ Universe.
Newton’s System of the Worlds described a precision clockwork perfection that
controlled all in Universe. If the Universe is perfect, then humans too must evolve
towards perfection.
Who made the mistake? Once that is determined, we blamethose responsible.
Following blame, we are ready to punish. More pain and suffering has been inflicted
on humankind for making mistakes than for any other cause. This should not surprise
fair. So when we are the one who made the mistake, we self-punish. Self-punishment
is called “guilt”. Humans are the only class of living systems that feels guilty. The
only class of living systems that teaches their pets to feel guilty.
Chapter 2
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
understanding tocontroland dominate planet Earth.
over time. Understanding comes from the awareness of time—an awareness that
allows humans to experience time as sequential or linear.
to the present, from the present to the future. Change is bound in time. And time-
binders understand change in space because they are aware of time.
can make decisions based on understanding changes in his environment over time.
Time-binding analysis is sequential analysis – linear analysis – focused on the
parts rather than thewhole.
and effect. When humans understand cause and effect, they make scientific discovery.
They make knowledge. When humans make choices based on knowledge, they make
inventions. They make technology. Time-binders are the creators of knowledge and
technology. When knowledge is incorporated into matter-energy, it becomes a tool.
Humans are above all else toolmakers. Most of our knowledge is embedded in our
tools. Human knowledge grows continuously and without limit. As we incorporate our
evermore powerful knowledge into tools. We produce evermore powerful tools.
generation to the next generation. Both animal and human offspring begin their lives
in nearly total ignorance. The differences that exist between them are small, but what
advantage in knowing that does exist belongs clearly to the animal. While the animal
seems to begin life with a greater store of inherited knowing, it possesses little ability
to learn from its parents. The animal is condemned to rediscover over and over, every
generation must discover anew the knowings of its parents. The wise old owl may
know a great deal, but he has no way to pass what he knows to his offspring and they
Chapter 2
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken
pass our knowing from one generation to the next. Alfred Korzybski explains:
to them – I mean the capacity to summarise, digest and appropriate the labors
and experiences of the past; I mean the capacity to use the fruits of past labors
and experiences as intellectual or spiritual capital for developments in the
present; I mean the capacity to employ as instruments of increasing power the
accumulated achievements of the all-previous lives of the past generations
spent in trial and error, trial and success; I mean the capacity of human
beings to conduct their lives in the ever increasing light of inherited wisdom; I
mean the capacity in virtue of which man is at once the inheritor of the by-
gone ages and the trustee of posterity. And because humanity is just this
magnificent natural agency by which the past lives in the present and the
present for the future, I define humanity, in the universal tongue of
mathematics and mechanics, to be the time-bindingclass of life.”28
everywhere. It is in all that activity that we so innocently call progress. It is the very
motor of obsolescence. It is imbedded in just about every thing associated with
humans and yet most humans are unaware of the very power that makes them
human. We humans catalogue and store our various knowings in libraries,
universities, colleges, data banks, and information services. We store our knowing in
many formats – books, tapes, films, movies, newspapers, magazines, video, microfilm,
photos, computer files, etc., etc., etc. We are time-binders and the mark of human
power is everywhere.
made a mistake. We are the only class of living systems capable of consciously
choosing to be responsible.
mind, but has the addition of the time-mind. The addition of a second mind has given
29Author’s Note: Time-Mind,The Synergetic Theory of Space-Time Intelligence, to be published in
Chapter 2
TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken