surprised that as actions can be either adversary, neutral or
synergic. So too reactions and
resultants can have these same three possible effects.
or synergic. And while this is not always the case, we would expect and discover that:
reaction ending in an adversary resultant
loss, while
action usually provokes neutral
reaction ending in a neutral
resultant or draw,
action usually provokes synergic
reaction ending in a synergic resultant or
take. The living system must decide when to act and where to act. Actions bring choices.
Choice is defined in the dictionary as deciding, picking, selecting. This would seem a type
of pre-action, or for living systems mental or intellectual action.
Young in 1803, shed light on this phenomenon of choice when he designed unique double
slit light experiment, he demonstrated that the photons seem to make decisions.49
photon of light makes random
choices as where and when it will go in universe. When a
photon is released at a particular point in universe, one second later it can be anywhere
within a sphere of 186,000 miles.
is the condition
where a system moves from a point of multifaceted potentiality to a point of single
actuality. The photon, once released at some point in universe has the multifaceted
potential to be anywhere within a sphere of 186,000 miles within one second. We cannot
predict where it will be at the end of that second, for its choice is random. But we see that
it moves to only one place in that sphere. It selects a single actuality.
Gary Zukav, Dancing Wu Li Masters, William Morrow & Co., 1979
single actuality
form of consciousness we see in humans. Light is the simplest form of process and
consciousness at the stage of light must be the simplest of consciousnesses.
In universe all is change. And change means change in energy. Change in energy is change
in information. Universe is full of change and universe is made up of energy and
information. We humans know that when we are confronted by change, we respond by
making choices. Every event — be it birth of a child or loss of a loved one, feast or famine,
poverty or prosperity, peace or war — represents change. Every idea — be it a discovery
that cures cancer or a decision to commit a crime — represents change. Every situation —
be it getting a new job or losing a job, marriage or divorce, childhood or old age —
represents change. We humans adapt to these changes by making choices. This is what all
living systems do from the time of conception until they perish. They make choices. They
make decisions.
thoughts (10 800
) — multifaceted potential. The human brain will have only one thought
at the time of decision — single actuality. At any moment I am capable of an enormous
number of behaviors but I will choose only one — multifaceted potential
single actuality. With the power of action comes opportunity for choice.
systems have needs and they meet those needs through actions.
different species and different classes of life.
independent class of life. They have no relationship with others. The animals are the
dependent class of life. They depend on others to survive. And we humans are
physiologically dependent, but psychologically and socially interdependent. Our animal
bodies require we eat the plants and animals to survive. Psychologically and socially, our
relationships with other humans are interdependent. Sometimes we depend on others and
sometimes they depend on us.
duration and location. All actions effect or impact both environment and other. These
effects or impacts can be adversary — negative and harmful, or they can be neutral —
negligible, or they can be synergic — positive and beneficial. All actions are always and
only accompanied by reactions at the beginning of an action and a resultant at the ending
of the action. Reactions and resultants are also either adversary, neutral, or synergic.
Usually adversary actions provoke adversary reactions and end in adversary resultants.
Usually, neutral actions provoke neutral reactions, and end in neutral resultants. And
usually, synergic actions provoke synergic reactions and end in synergic resultants.
take. Choice is a pre-action. Choice is multipotentiality becoming single actuality. Choice
made without knowledge is random. Choice made with knowledge is controlled. Life
makes controlled choices.
Synergy. Most humans ignore or hurt each other. Most humans ignore or hurt the
environment. This is the source of nearly all our current problems.
the loss of Adversity.
originates in the
world. Sunlight provides
unlimited energy
for the plants. And so each individual plant needs only
the sun, and
adequate water and minerals to survive. Plants are solar energy collectors. They use the
sun’s radiant energy in photosynthesis to manufacture glucose, carbohydrates and other
plant cells. Individual plants do not relate to each other. They relate only to the earth and
the sun.
own efforts. Individual plants have no relationship
with each other. Plants have no
awareness of each other, they ignore each other. To survive as a plant, you must be self-
sufficient. Plants are the truly independent. They need no other life form to survive. Each
plant lives or dies on its own. If it sits luckily in the Sun with an abundance of solar
energy, it does not assist its brother in the shade. The motto of plants could be to live and
let live.
parallel the laws of plant neutrality. Free and
independent citizens relate to each other as equals. They are prohibited from hurting
another free and independent citizen, but that are not required to help another citizen.
legitimate purpose is to insure economic independence and protect individual freedom.
To insure a safe and stable environment that allows the free market to work best. Today’s
free world is dominated by Neutrality in the form of neutral government, neutral nations,
neutral organizations, and neutral value systems.
the Free World has established that most modern values and beliefs are neutral
Modern humans are strongly convinced that they are self sufficient and independent, or at
least that they should be self sufficient and independent. They believe in their right to
own property and to freely and independently control their property. These beliefs are so
strong in our present culture, that it is almost impossible to imagine things any other way.
But, is neutrality really the best way for humanity?
only equal
value. The best result
of a neutral relationship is a draw. We are ignored
the experience. We are the same after the experience as before. At worst, the price is less
than fair, we get cheated. We lose. Or the product is not good, we get ripped off. We are
less after the experience than before. At best within a neutral exchange
(1+1 )= 2, at worst
(1+1) < 2.
values, many of our neutral values are not very humanitarian.
hurting others is highly discouraged, helping others is rarely encouraged. We are
focused on products, and help is just another product. Generally, we ignore each other.
The free market is a neutral, anonymous and completely impersonal place.
they don’t know yours. There is nothing special about the relationship. You may eat your
lunch there every day for a year, but go in once without your wallet, and you won’t eat.
They will ignore you. If you don’t have the admission price. You don’t get in. In a world
where the highest value is independence, why should I help anyone. Everyone should be
independent and not require any help.
In the world of human Neutrality only products
and their fair prices really matter. If you can’t pay your way you don’t exist.
nature of our neutral relationships. Being truly independent means you are alone. You are
all by yourself. There is no one to help you if you get in trouble. The casualties of human
Neutrality are numerous. Because we are independent, because we are self sufficient, we
are encouraged to ignore the problems and difficulties of others.
problem. If there are hungry children in my community, it’s not my problem. Neutral
humans are indifferent. Neutral humans ignore.
starvation effecting hundreds of millions of humans worldwide. Millions of children die
needlessly every year.
numbers of humans live out their short lives completely ignored. Hundreds of children
disappear every day from the streets of our cities and towns — many without notice.
Neutral governments are indifferent. Neutral governments ignore.
an unlimited supply of sunlight. As solar collectors, they are the truly independent form
of life. Their
independence requires unlimited resources.
why Adversity dominated human life until the 17th century. As Hazel Henderson in
conversation with Fritjof Capra explained in 1988:
from the fabric of life, did not exist. Nor was there a national system of markets.
That, too, is a relatively recent phenomena which originated in seventeenth
century England.
barter, not cash, and so they were bound to be local. The motive of individual
gain from economic activities was generally absent. The very idea of profit, let
alone interest, was either inconceivable or banned.”50
was a partial Neutrality strongly dominated by the adversary systems still in place, and
constrained by limited resources.
Hazel Henderson, Quoted by Fritjof Capra, Uncommon Wisdom–Conversations with Remarkable
People, Bantam New Age Books, New York, 1989
there must be unlimited resources. A more complete and purer
form of human Neutrality was institutionalized by the American Revolution that founded
the United States of America. The early colonists were in the right place at the right time.
and forests, filled with abundant water in millions of steams, rivers, and lakes and stocked
with uncountable numbers of wildlife. This was further enriched with enormous reserves
of iron, coal, copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, gold, silver, oil, and much more — all
available for the taking.
discovered, invented, and developed the tools and knowhow that created the mechanism
of the Agricultural, Industrial, and Transportational Revolutions. The level of knowledge
and technology available to the American colonists coupled with enormous North
American reserves, provided them with cheap food, cheap power, and cheap
transportation. Thus, conditions were perfect
for the success of human Neutrality.
America would have the equivalent of unlimited resources for the next 150 years.
getting full. We no longer have a limitless abundance of natural resources available for the
taking. Our world of plenty is being reduced to a world of scarcity.
learn to do without. They go without owning their own homes. They go without higher
education for their children. They go without free time for recreation as they are forced to
get a second job. Or, they sidestep back into the adversary world — they steal, embezzle,
or defraud.
quality of life, declining compensation for all workers, deteriorating nuclear families, and
declining numbers of humans able to own their own homes. We see increasing mental
illness and child abuse; ever escalating health care costs, and more humans without access
to medical care. Examining today’s youth, we see declining numbers of college graduates,
mixed with increasing drug and alcohol use; increasing suicide; casual sexuality and
unwanted pregnancy.