so we all win.
Others help.
You help others.
Others help you.
You help others help you.
Others help you help others.
You help others help you help others.
Others help you help others help you.
— operating together as in Co-
OPERATION — laboring together as in Co-LABORATION — acting
together as in Co-ACTION.
than can be accomplished by individuals working separately.
win, and that neither party loses. The negotiation to insure that both
parties are helped, and that neither party is hurt.
relationship between two individuals. SYNERGIC Co-OPERATION is a
win-win relationship with ALL
mechanism is radically different from the way we do things today. Nothing really effects
our lives more than the way we exchange goods and services. That makes this paper of
potential interest to all humans. Although, I have endeavored to make this initial paper
short, simple, and easy to read. It has grown significantly. I found myself saying more than
may be necessary for some readers. Therefore, to shorten the paper, I have moved much of
the detailed and supportive discussion to the end of the document in the form of an
07• — Tensegrity — The Most Powerful Organizing Pattern in Universe
14• — Life — Needs and Actions and their Relationship to Survival
20• — INTERdependence — The Human Condition
25• — Adversary Help — Conflict — Coercion Tensegrity
29• — Neutral Help — Fair Market — Product Tensegrity
35• — Synergic Help — Co-Operation
40• — Gift Tensegrity — A Description
48• — Synergic Analysis of Help Exchanges
51• — The Scientific Basis for the Golden Rule
59• — More on Tensegrity
66• — Three Classes of Life — Three Laws of Life
77• — More on Human Needs
78• — More on INTERdependence
91• — Action, Reaction & Resultant
95• — Human Neutrality
an excellent philosophy for making close relationships and living in the social world.
Jesus of Nazareth is credited with saying:
another human who lived far ahead of his time, we can all agree he said some remarkable
and wise things. His followers were called Christians because most of them believed he
was the Christ foretold in the scripture.
out of the church, suffered on a daily basis without any ``safety nets'' between
them and poverty. But Christians were especially susceptible to deprivation since
discipleship took away any last vestiges of help due to the alienation from family
and nation. One of the worst financial decisions to be made by anyone could be
that of becoming a Christian. Yet it is from this crucible of suffering that Luke
draws one of the greatest themes of the Book of Acts: benevolence. New Testament
Christianity forever becomes our model of a people who took care of its own,
who breathed life into the teaching of Jesus that ``it is better to give than to
receive'' (Acts 20:35)." 1
seem to capture the very essence of synergic morality. Synergic morality is more than not
hurting other, it requires helping other. Jesus was one of the first humans to state the
fundamental law of synergic relationship. It is known as the Golden Rule:
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums
up the Law.”2
What would you have others doto you? The best one word answer I can find for this
Tom Roberts, Gospel Observer, Internet, June 7, 1998 — Internet:
Jesus of Nazareth, Sermon on the Mount, New Testament of the Holy Bible (NIV). Matthew, 7:12
others as you would have them help
is credited as the author of the negative form
of the Golden Rule:
4:15 from the Old Testament Bible (3rd Century BC): “And what you hate, do not
do to anyone.” It is also found in the writings of the Jewish scholars Hillel (1st
century BC) and Philo of Alexandria (1st centuries BC
and AD), It occurs in the
2nd-century documents Didache and the Apology of Aristides. It also appears in
the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates, and Seneca.”4
to others what you would have them not do
to you.”
to you?
hurt others as you would have them not
hurt you.”
underlying premise for the Neutral Morality
found in the western world today. But,
Synergic Morality requires more of us than simply not hurting. It requires more of us than
simply ignoring others. It requires us to help
others—to help
each other. Jesus of
understood this on the deepest of levels. He called for more than a prohibition
against hurting others. He ask all humans to help
each other.
help others, you will find
yourself helped in return
— “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” Synergic Morality is more
the absence of hurting. It is the presence
of helping.5
Appendix — page 51
Chu Hsi, The Analects of Confucius (15:23), 1190 AD, ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA,, 2000
5Read more
on The Golden Rule
in the
structures and mechanisms that will insure that all parties to a relationship win. That
means that all parties to the relationship feel they are better off with the relationship than
they would be without the relationship.
This is determined from his point of view, and he cannot be fooled.
because of the relationship; or
we are less happy, less effective,
less productive
because of the relationship, or our
and productivity
is unchanged
by the relationship.
partial. There may be relationships that are partially synergic, and/or partially neutral,
and/or partially adversary.
exists when all the participants of a relationship are more happy, more
effective, and more productive. True synergy is WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN. I win, you win,
others win and the Earth wins.
to meet their
needs. In this paper, I will propose a radically different mechanism that humans could use
to meet their needs. I will show that our present system of
monetary exchange
and fair
while important in the history of our human species and a legitimate part of our
evolution are now obsolete.
later in this paper, but to understand it we must first examine the concept of tensegrity.
Buckminster Fuller studied Universe's organizing strategies for over fifty years. Of all the
synergic patterns in Universe, the most powerful one
he found was the tensegrity.
Tensegrity is a contraction of the terms "tension" & "integrity". A tensegrity is a balanced
of push
and pull.
Tensegrityis the pattern that results when push and pull have a win-win relationship
with each other. The pull is continuous
and the push is discontinuous. The continuous
is balanced
by the discontinuous push
producing an integrity of tension —
think little of these forces. Most of us assume they are simple opposites. In and out. Back
and forth. Force directed in one direction or its opposite.
explained that these fundamental phenomena were not opposites, but compliments
that could always be found together. He further explained that push
is divergent
pull is convergent.
Illustration by Christopher Rywalt