receivers. Withoutreceivers
there can be no
each other.22
automatically help you. When others understand that when you win, they will win, they
will support and celebrate your success.
a win. When you help those that help you, you get high quality help. This is the power of
the win-win relationship. Show those who can help you, how they will win by doing so.
Showing them how they will be helped by helping you. Because the helper is helped,
synergic help is high quality help.
Sometimes I trustothers to give
me help me and sometimes others trust
me to give
have no synergic organizations and mechanisms to support them. Despite this, we do find
examples of synergic help on a small scale among family and friends. Genevieve
created. Humans have altered this process by depleting the abundance, cornering
what remains, and using it to manipulate other humans, keeping them on the
edge of survival. This process derives from exchange, which is giving-in-order-to-
receive, and is ego oriented, while the need satisfying process, when practiced by
humans, is other oriented. …
visible in the relation between mothers and children, because children cannot
"give back" anything in exchange for the nurturing they receive and they have to
Read more
on Giving and Receiving
in the Appendix.
needs. The receivers' capacities can be enhanced or diminished by the presence of
absence of gifts during socialization. Indigenous peoples often allowed everyone
free access to the abundance of their environment, and considered themselves
stewards of nature's gifts.”23
it may be years later. We also see synergic relationship in close partnerships and business
groups. Synergic relationships often exist in start-up businesses, where the originators
work together sharing in the risks and the rewards equally.
Our ability to invent and to understand new ways of doing things creates a new
possibility for co-Operation which does not exist in the world of the plants and animals.
win, and that neither party loses. The negotiation to insure that both parties
are helped, and that neither party is hurt.
Similar words are uniting, banding, combining, concurring, conjoining, and leaguing.
Individuals who cooperate are affiliates, allies, associates, or confederates.
is not what I mean. Co-Operation in synergic relationship means operating together to
insure a win-win outcome. Co-Operation is the mechanism of action necessary whenever
an individual desires to accomplish a task beyond his individual abilities.
enough to move the furniture by yourself. You decide to co-operate. You decide to
operate together during the lifting. You would negotiate to insure that both of you win —
to insure that both of you are helped.
Genevieve Vaughan, For-Giving, a Feminist Criticism of Exchange, Plain View Press, 1997 —
requires that you also protect each other from loss. "Whoops! Set it down."
insure that both parties win, and the synergic veto to stop the action if either party is
dominated by the mechanisms of neutrality — monetary exchange and the fair market
operating in the product tensegrity. The relationship between traders in the product
tensegrity is only civil and often anonymous. In our illusion of independence, we do not
value each other.
We purchase products anonymously, usually without knowing the seller's name, or he
ours. When I enter McDonalds to purchase my lunch, I see only the product, the
hamburger stacked in the warmer. I ignore the clerk. I don't know her name or her story. I
see the hamburger, that's what I want. The clerk behind the counter ignores me. She
doesn't know my name or my story. She sees my five dollars, that's what she wants.
for a fair price. We will trade. We will speak the neutral words of the trading ritual. I
never knowing her name, she never knowing mine. "May I help you?" "Thank you and
have a nice day." We trade.
the box. We are moving into a new paradigm. This means that many of our assumptions
are wrong. But the real difficulty is not so much with these wrong assumptions, at least we
are aware of them. The bigger problem is those assumptions that are unknown or
order to effectively meet their needs. What is changing is not the need for EXCHANGE. It
is whether the exchange is adversary, neutral, or synergic.
yours, they are also helped. Then they will want to reinvest with you. When others
success. Synergic relationships are helping, positive experiences. The helper experiences a
win. They are more after helping you than before. When you help those who help you,
you get the most help. When you help those who help you, you get excellent help.
operate together to insure that both parties win, and that neither party loses. They
negotiate to insure that both parties are helped, and that neither party is hurt.
relationship than before: (1+1) >> 2. Synergic relationships are marked by no conflict, high
effectiveness and enormous productivity. Now lets examine how the natural life
tensegrity of Needs and Actions would operate in synergic INTERdependence.
exchange where all members are humans committed to win-win relationships, there is no
need for accounting. You give to the synergic help exchange
based on your talents and
skills, donating whatever action, "knowing", things, or food you can create. You take from
the synergic help exchange
whatever you need. Because all members are committed to
having only win-win relationships, the system will work and there will be excess and
abundance for all.
humans are not even neutral. The committed adversary
will simply take from the
synergic help exchange, by force or by fraud. They view the the synergic help exchange
as just another victim. The committed neutralist
will view the
synergic help exchange
just another market.
make a synergic help exchange? How do we create a
synergic help exchange
that works
even with committed adversaries
and committed neutralists?
“This is a law of life. And the more
lavishingly we show kindness and concern, the richer is our life. In what
manner we get back what we have given is of minor importance. The only thing
that Life promises is that Life pays back all its debts to us.”25
If we are to move beyond adversity and conflict — if we are to move beyond neutrality and
anonymity, then we must get to know each other. The secret of creating synergic
relationship is WE-ness. Synergic relationship is close and personal. It requires trust,
caring and committment. It requires honesty and openness.
dominated by the adversary way.
was safe to assume that you were not my enemy. Trust meant the
ability to rely on the absence of a negative.
not to hurt me, but further, I can rely on you to help me. It is safe to
assume that you are not my enemy, and to further assume that you
are my friend. Synergic trust is more than the ability to rely on the
absence of a negative. It is that, plus the ability to rely on the
presence of a positive.
Jesus of Nazareth, Sermon on the Mount, New Testament of the Holy Bible (NIV).Luke 6:38
25Henry T. Laurency. Gnostic Symbols,
Knowledge of Life One, Henry T. Laurency Publishing
Let us begin with a description of how I think a Gift Tensegrity might be structured and
how it could work. Every member of a synergic help tensegrity would particpate in two
roles. That as a giftor
and that as a
giftee. Again we see as an INTERdependent life form,
there will be times when we will help others and times when others will help us.
that when I am in
need there will be those who will give me help. Synergic Trust was discovered long ago,
and was once known as:
blessings with others and bearing each other's burdens, the giving multiplies and
we receive far more than what was given. Even when there is no immediate
prospect of return, Heaven keeps accounts of giving, and in the end blessing will
return to the giver, multiplied manyfold. We must give first; to expect to receive
without having given is to violate the universal law. On the other hand, giving in
order to receive--with strings attached, with the intention of currying favor, or in
order to make a name for oneself — is condemned.”26
relies on “Heaven to keep
account of giving.”, the Gift Tensegrity relies on a public database to keep account of
giving.and receiving. This database of the synergic help exchange is a public space where
the exchanging of help is made visable to all members who are participants in good
out two profiles. The first profile is for your role as a giftor. Your giftor profile
is the list
of the types of help you would like to give
to other members of the synergic help
is the list of the types of
help you would like to receive
as gifts from other members of the synergic help
Andrew Wilson, Editor, World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, United
Communities of Spirit, 1991 — Internet:
is the personal history of each member’s giving and receiving. This profile is
transparent. It can be seen by all members who are particpants in good standing. It shows
all the gifts you have given, all the gifts you have received, and any comments made by
other members of the synergic exchange tensegrity that you have interacted with in
relation to the exchanging of help. Every exchange generates a Giftor’s comment rating the
Giftee, and a Giftee’s comment rating the Giftor.
their data into the data base, the computer sorts and matches gifts of help
with needs for
is active. The role of Giftee
is passive.
with registered needs of help, the lists of matches are presented to the Giftor. These
matches are not available for viewing by the Giftee.
highest ratio of giving/receiving and
most positive
comments being sorted higher on the list
than those who have lower ratio
of giving/receiving and negative comments.
However, the Giftor is freeto offer his gift to anyone on the list regardless of the order
presented. The Giftor
is in control. Once the Giftor has made his choice and selected a
Giftee to receive his offer of help, then the Giftee is notified that an offer of help has been
selected them for offers. With these offers of help comes access to the profiles of the
Giftors. The giftee is then free
to examine the offer carefully, read the profile of the Giftor
and decide whether to accept the offer or not.
and to whom to offer a gift of help. The Giftee decides when and from whom to accept a
gift offer of help. Giftors are unknown to Giftees unless the Giftor offers help. The Giftee is