must be someshelter— a safe place and time for the process of life itself — to breathe, eat
and drink, to eliminate bodily wastes, to rest, and restore the body's energy from the
stresses of living, and to procreate if the species is to continue. The biosphere therefore
must provide air, water, food, and shelter or neither animal nor human will survive.

Biospheres are also specific to individual species. One particular biosphere might support
one species of organism well, but not another.

So all living organisms have needs, and all living organisms actto meet those needs.

Let us now examine actionmore carefully. Science2001reveals that "what is most basic is
not material particles but
activity. The older concept of a universe made up of physical
particles interacting according to fixed laws is no longer tenable. It is implicit in present
findings that
actionrather than matter is basic."11

Science2001has discovered actionto be fundamental in non-living universelight,
particles,atoms, and simple moleculesas well as within living universe — life itself —
the living molecules, the plants, the animals, and we humans.

•Action implies motion, movement, animation — process.
•Actions require energy to occur. No energy — no action.
•Actions have location in space. Actions always begin somewhere and end
somewhere else. No location,no space — no action.
•Actions have duration. Actions always have a beginning and an ending. While
some actions may occur in a very short time, they all require some time. There are
no instantaneous actions in universe. No time — no action.

Because actions require energy, location or space, and time, synergic science sometimes
uses the term energy eventto describe what we commonly call action. R. Buckminster

"Two different energy events cannot pass through the same point at the same time.
When one energy event is passing through a given point and another impinges
upon it, there is an interference.

IMAGE Gift_Tensegrity02.jpg

11Arthur Young, The Foundations of Science: The Missing Parameter, Robert Briggs Associates, San
Francisco, 1984

Life — Actions

Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


"We find experimentally that two lines cannot go through the same point at the
same time. One can cross over or be superimposed upon another. Both Euclidian
and non-Euclidian geometries misassume that a plurality of lines can go through
the same point at the same time. But we find experimentally that two or more
lines cannot physically go through the same point at the same time.

"When a physicist bombards a group of atoms in a cloud chamber with a neutron,
he gets an interference. When the neutron runs into a nuclear component: (1) it
separates the latter into smaller components; (2) they bounce acutely apart
(reflection); (3) they bounce obliquely (refraction); (4) they combine, mass
attractively. The unique angles in which they separate or bounce off identify both
known or unknown atomic-nucleus components."12

Therefore actions can notand do not occur in isolation. If they impinge on the
environment or on others, they will effect or impact on the environment — they will effect
or impact on others.

Actions can effect or impact on environment and/or on others in a negativeand harmful
way. It can effect or impact on environment and/or on others in a neutralor negligible
way. Or it can effect or impact environment and/or on others in a positiveand beneficial
way. Therefore actions that effect or impact on others can produce the following results,
using the language of games:

•Other can lose. They are hurtby the action. They are lessafter the action than
••Other can draw. They are ignoredby the action. They will be the sameafter the
action as before.
•••Other can win. They are helpedby the action. They are moreafter the action
than before.

From the point of view of an individual effected or impacted by action, I can be hurt, I can
be ignored, or I can be helpedby the action.

•Actions that hurtare adversary.
••Actions that ignoreare neutral.
•••Actions that helpare synergic.

Because of the effect or impact that this action always has on the environment or upon

IMAGE Gift_Tensegrity02.jpg

12R. Buckminster Fuller, SYNERGETICS—Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking, Volumes I & II,
Macmillan Publishing Co, New York, 1975-1979

Life — Actions

Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


other, we discover that actionis always accompanied by two other phenomena — the
reaction, and the resultant. The environment or other reacts at the beginning of the action.
And the effect or impact on the environment or other at the end of the action produces a
Appendix — page 91

Needs-Actions — the survival tensegrity
The main task of all living organisms is survival.Needsare continuously pullingon all
living organisms to be met. To meet its needs, the living system must take
action. Fourteen
to Sixteen times a minute, I take a breath. Many times a day, I drink water. And two or
three times a day, I eat food. My
actions are discontinuous. Discontinuous means I have
some control over
whenI act to meet my needs. I can eat now or a few hours from now.
Survival for life forms can be described then as the process of continuous needs being met
by discontinuous actions.

Life and living then is all about the continuing pull of our needs and the discontinuous
push of the actions we take to meet those needs. Remember, a system of continuous pull
balanced againstdiscontinuous pushis called a tension integrityortensegrityin
synergic science.

The needs of plants and animals are primarily physiological. Our human body shares the
physiological needs of the animal. But what differentiates human from animal is our more
powerful brain and mind. This dramatic difference in intelligence is reflected in our
human needs.

Human needs
To survive for 24 hours, scientists have determined that the average human adult requires
1.84 pounds of oxygen, 1.36 pounds of food solids, and 6.86 pounds of water. For the
majority of humans these basic needs seem pretty easily met. But few humans are satisfied
with the basic needs as one very wise man once said, "
Man does not live by bread alone."

We humans need a lot more, and most of what we need has nothing to do with our bodies.
An internet search for "human needs" results in lots of returns.

For example, Wackernagel and Rees writing in 1993, stated that "basic human needs are not
only physical in nature ... but also psychological, such as dignityand self-esteem, love
and social connectedness, self-realizationandcontrol over one's life".

Life — Needs-Actions — a tensegrity

Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


Another internet page lists nine human needs — security, adventure, freedom. expansion,
power, expression, acceptance, communion,
andexchange. These are not needs of the
human body, but of the human mind.

A third internet page divides human needs into two categories based upon whether they
are related to otheror toself.

IMAGE Gift_Tensegrity18.jpg

Other Related

Self Related



Love and affection,

Respect of self

To be wanted




Esteem or respect of others

Acquisition of possessions

Security and safety

Independence and freedom

As we examine these needs13, we begin to realize that the relationship between otherand
selfis enormously important for humans.
Appendix —page 77

Plant survival does not require any relationship with other. The plants unique ability to
utilize sunlight directly to synthesize organic tissue frees them from the need for others.
This fact makes plants theindependentclass of life — independent of other.

Animal survival depends entirely on finding othersto eat. The herbivores depend on
finding plants to eat. The carnivores depend on finding other animals to eat. The animals
inability to utilize sunlight to synthesize organic tissue means they must eat. Animals
survive by eating either plants or animals. Animals are completely dependent onother
for survival. This fact makes animals the dependentclass of life — dependent on other.

We humans share the animal body, to survive we must also eat. We are omnivores. We
meet our basic needs and survive by eating both plants and animals. Physiologically, we
humans are also a dependentclass of life. But humans need more than basic needs.
Sometimeswe need other and sometimesother needs us. Some scientists have used the

IMAGE Gift_Tensegrity02.jpg

13Read moreon Human Needsin theAppendix.

Life — Human Needs — Self-Other

Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


term "the social animal" in reference to these social-psychological needs of humanity. And
it is these social-psychological needs that makes humans morethan dependent upon each
other. This means sometimes I depend on other and sometimes other depends on me. This
fact makes us humans theinterdependent class of life — interdependent on eachother.

Life — Human Needs — Self-Other

Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken



Stop reading!
Take a few moment to examine the contents of your pockets or purse ......

Can you find any item there, that you obtained without the help of someone else? Look
around you. What do you see? Did you make the clothes you wear? Did you grow the
food you eat or the tools you use. Look around your home or workplace. Can you find
anything that you made. Do you know the names of those who did make all these things?
Do you ever know upon whom you depend. Can you findanything in your environment
that was obtainedwithoutthehelp of someone else?

I am not talking about ownership here. I will grant that you own your possessions. But
would you have them if they had not been for sale. I would argue that nearly everything
modern humans possess was obtained with the help of others.

As I examine my world I discover that I dependon others to to grow and produce my
food. I depend on others to design and build my home. I dependon others to generate my
electricity. I depend on others to supply my water. I dependon others to deliver my mail.
I dependon others to educate my children. I dependon others to entertain my family. I
dependon others to manufacture my automobile. I dependon others to refine the
gasoline for my car. I dependon others to care for my family when we are sick. I depend
on others to protect us from crime and war. I depend on others to.......... I depend on
others, I depend.

Human INTERdependenceis made less visible by our present economic exchange system.
I go to work and help my employer. He depends on me. At the end of the month he pays
me for my help. I depend on him. I can then take some of the money from my paycheck to
pay my house rent. While I depend on my landlord for the roof over my head, he depends
on me to pay the rent promptly. Sometimes I depend on others and sometimes others
depend on me. When we buy and sell in the economic marketplace we are really
exchanging help. When I help others they owe me. When others help me I owe them.
Money is just the present accounting mechanism we use to settle up.


Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken


Arthur Nollexplains:

“People are interdependent, social beings. We do not, and cannot, live as the
independent tiger, or orangutan, coming together only to mate briefly, all child
care and education provided by the mother.

“This has seemed obvious to me, and probably it is obvious to most, but it is such
an important principle to base further observations on, and logically it is often
ignored in the present scheme of things, so I think we should look at the reasons.
Lets start with your naked body. Can you manage to clothe and feed and shelter
this body, with no hands touching any article except your own hands? If you can
make your own tools and live independently for just a few weeks or months, this
is interesting, but of course real independence would be a lifetime of this, a
reproducing lifetime, so it does fall considerably short of the mark. Additionally,
it is an interesting thing that we are communicating, I have written and you are
reading this paper. Independent organisms don’t behave like this, if you were
independent, your only concern for me should be to tell me to get out of your
way, or that you want to mate, and you need no language beyond what the tigers
and orangutans use for this. I have heard people say, that they could live
independently if they chose. To those few who feel that way, well, you haven’t
chosen that path if you are reading this, so if you want to choose it now, then I
think you ought to take off your society made things and go. We will send a
biologist to study how you live - if you live.

“Next question, is a male- female unit capable of independence? The answer is
quite important to the issue of reproduction.

“I have never heard of this being done, and I don’t believe it can be done. Working
together, a man and woman with the proper education might make primitive
tools and cover some basic needs, if resources are abundant. But wherever
resources are abundant, you are going to find competition. Predators can be a
serious problem with just primitive weapons, and just two people, one of which
might be pregnant or holding an infant. It is true that most large predators are
afraid of human beings at the present time, but animals of all kinds eventually test
the limits. Domestic animals can be very sensitive about electric fences, for
example. You can turn off the fence for weeks, after they learn about wires giving
shocks. But they eventually test and learn, and are out. You would not likely find
it workable to stay together all the time, either, and the one carrying the child


Gift Tensegrity

Draft Sun, Oct 28, 2001

TrustMark 2001 by Timothy Wilken