Economist Wayne F. Perg, Ph. D writes: “My concept and understanding of the Gift Tensegrity is one of a radical move away from trade-oriented or materialistic sort of exchange. “In […]
Continue readingDebt and the Environment
L. W. Nicholson As the national debt goes up, the value of the dollar goes down. The federal debt, now (Oct. 12, 2001) at $5.8 TRILLION, plus all other government […]
Continue readingWar on Afghanistan. Is it the Oil?
Jim Fitzsimons The conclusion John Pilger arrives at is the same one arrived at by George Monbiot; another excellent journalist; in his article in last weeks Guardian (a UK broadsheet). […]
Continue readingChanging the World
Timothy Wilken “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead The Gift Tensegrity is […]
Continue readingDialogue on Socialism
Paul Kwon writes: “Socialism is against natural state of law. It teaches everybody should be happy. Pure cow droppings. Only a few are destined to be happy. All others are […]
Continue readingWE-ness & Synergic Trust – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (10)
Timothy Wilken “Give, and it will be given to you.”—Jesus of Nazareth (1) “This is a law of life. And the more lavishingly we show kindness and concern, the richer […]
Continue readingCo-Operative Power – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (9)
Timothy Wilken Today, most humans solve their problems as individuals or at best as nuclear families. They meet their individual needs with individual actions. At best they may meet the […]
Continue readingDepartment of the Fatherland (Oops) Homeland
Bob Chapman writes: “Passed in furious haste, our Congress has handed us what will be the largest secret police in history. A new anti-terrorism law that lays new foundations, which […]
Continue readingFive Fundamental Errors
Jay Hanson Modern economics is nothing more than “Social Darwinism” (the politics—NOT the science) as first revealed by God to the Dominican Friar St. Thomas Aquinas 750 years ago, and […]
Continue readingThree Ways – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (8)
Timothy Wilken So we have seen that there are three ways that humans can get the help they need as an INTERdependent class of life. We can force others to help […]
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