Win Wenger writes: “The fact that declining civilizations fail to solve their problems, which Toynbee attributed to other causes, might very well be attributed instead to that very tendency to […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Beyond Air Travel
Timothy Wilken As air travel comes to a screaming halt with the big time arrival of terrorism in the United States, maybe it’s time to give up commercial air travel. […]
Continue readingA Social Revolution Anchored in Learning
Eliminate Terrorism with A SOCIAL REVOLUTION ANCHORED IN LEARNING Bill Ellis Society is going through a deep fundamental cultural transformation. Every aspect of civilization—economics, education, housing, food supply, transportation, family, […]
Continue readingResponses to Community Values
I received the following responses to yesterday’s essay on Community Values by Dee Hock. Chris Macrae writes: I am hugely fascinated by this topic and Dee Hock’s viewpoint. The particular section which gets me […]
Continue readingCommunity Values
by Dee Hock One concept that I have puzzled over is an ancient, fundamental idea, the idea of community. The essence of community, its very heart and soul, is the […]
Continue readingSynergy and Terror
by Reason Wilken As the initial shock from these terrible events of the past ten days begins to wear off, we are beginning to ask the question “What next?” The […]
Continue readingA book review of HUBBERT’S PEAK
by Ron Patterson I received my copy of “Hubbert’s Peak” by Kenneth S. Deffeyes in the mail Saturday, and finished it in three days. It was great. So many of […]
Continue readingPerspective: The Earth Viewed from 4 Billion Miles
Timothy Wilken Feelings from the around the World Perspective The Earth Viewed from 4 Billion Miles Carl Sagan wrote the following in 1996: “We succeeded in taking that picture [from […]
Continue readingResponse to Making Choices
Arthur Noll Timothy brought up the question of good and evil, means and ends. People often go around endlessly on these things, what they are and why. I suspect that often […]
Continue readingMaking Choices
Timothy Wiken A human once said that the end justifies the means. And if I intend good, then my use of evil means is forgiven. Another human said the means become […]
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