Making Choices

Timothy Wiken

A human once said that the end justifies the means. And if I intend good, then my use of evil means is forgiven.

Another human said the means become the ends. If I use evil means even in the pursuit of good ends, I become evil.

We humans have a choice in how we go about trying to make the world better. If we see the world as part evil, we can hate that part of the world that is evil and try to hurt and kill it. That is what the terrorists did who attacked the World Trade Center. They said the United States was Satan and they focused on making the evil part of the world less and less.

However, we have another choice. We can choose to see the world as part good, then we can love that part of the world that is good and try to help and support it. We can choose to focus on making the good part of the world more and more.

Remembering that the choices we make today will determine our future. What choice will you make?