We Live in a Pivotal Time in History

Barry Carter writes: Hello Friends, Colleagues and Acquaintances: As many of you know, from my book Infinite Wealth, I believe that we will all be partners in businesses in the near future as opposed to working as employees. On November 15, 2000 I worked my last day as an employee for the rest of my life. After ten years working as a manager and twenty years working as an employee I have attained the work lifestyle and freedom that I planned since college. My time is now devoted to my family and the current social revolution that we are in. Many of you are part of the revolution as you work with your hobbies or personal passion AWAY from your job and even in your jobs. It is imperative that we ALL understand how we are contributing to the new Win/Win Era or pulling against it and creating hell for ourselves. We live in a pivotal time in history where we are on the verge of creating a win/win world or falling back into another hellish dark ages. To gain perspective please review our message and join the dialogue in continuing to develop the Insights. If you find our message valuable, please share this link http://www.winwinworld.net/InfiniteWealth/ with others. The more we the people understand the coming transition the less hell we’ll create for one another.

Bound through Synergy,
Barry Carter