IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg
IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order111.jpg

(-,+)(0, +)syntropy





(0, -)




Axis of Atropy


And all net adversary co-Actions lie inside the zero-zero circle. The reference perimeter
is shifted toward the (0, 0) ORIGIN.

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order112.jpg

(-,+)(0, +)syntropy





(0, -)




Axis of Atropy


Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg

The perimeter of the reference zero-zero circle can only shift in the defined directions of
the X and Y axes.Below and to the left of the axis of atropy under just under the
perimeter of the zero-zero circle, we find the adversary loss. What Haskell called the
conflictor's deficit(-Z ).

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order114.jpg

(-,+)(0, +)syntropy





(0, -)




Axis of Atropy



Haskell called the shape of the space for -Zthat represents the conflictor’s deficitthe
Co-Action Cardioid.

Haskell's PCS
Haskell's Periodic Coordinate System presents syntropic, atropic, and entropic process
on a single model. Synergic co-Actions represent sytropic process. Neutral co-Actions
represent atropic process, and Adversary co-Actions represent entropic process.

To accomplish this Haskell synthesized three geometries — elliptic, plane and
hyperbolic. He used Riemannian geometry to plot synergic co-Actions, Euclidean
geometry to plot neutral co-Actions, and Lobachevskian geometry to plot adversary co-

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg

Below we see Haskell’s Periodic Coordinate Systemwith all three classes of
relationship plotted.

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order116.jpg

(-,+)(0, +)syntropy





(0, -)



Axis of Atropy





The Periodic Coordinate Systemis a system that depicts syntropyor increasing
order—relationship, organization, pattern, and its compliment entropyor discreasing
order—the loss of relationship, organization, pattern, and form. And of enormous
importance it also depictsatropyor no-change. Haskell’s discovery of atropyand
Neutralityis essential in understanding Live and Universe.

Haskell (with credit to Teilhard De Chardin) chose the “Alpha”, Á, symbol to represent
maximum entropyand the “Omega”, Ωsymbol to represent maximum syntropy.
Atropyis represented by “Axis of Atropy”

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg
IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order118.jpg








(0, +)

(0, -)





The Periodic Coordinate System depicts Synergy, Neutrality and Adversity in a single
model. To Haskell the Ω point represented the ideal state of perfect harmony and
oneness that could result in a Universe filled with synergic relationships. The Á point
represented the end of Life and the heat death of the Universe. As he quoted
Heisenberg in his writings:

“We think of the orderly as the good, and the confused and chaotic as the bad.”

Werner Heisenberg

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg

Haskell’s Moral Law of Unified Science

Haskell explained:

“The first formulation of the MORAL LAWfor a non-human “kingdom” of
Universe was Dimitri I. Mendeleev’s discovery of the Periodic Law in 1869.
“The properties of the chemical elements are functions of their atomic

“What Mendeleev’s discovery states for Atoms is that “As ye sow, so shall ye
reap,” where “reaping” is the properties of the chemical elements and “sowing”
is the co-Action between the atom’s two components — its vast, light, electron
cloud, and its tiny, massive nucleus.”12

Haskell’s analysis of the Atomic elements showed that these two components — the
electron cloud and the massive nucleus related in only three ways — positive, neutral,
or negative.

For humans, the earliest formulation of the Moral Law of Unified Scienceappeared
3500 years ago as the doctrine of karma.

“Hinduism began in India about 1500 BC. The belief in rebirth, or samsara, as
a potentially endless series of worldly existences in which every being is
caught up was associated with the doctrine of karma (Sanskrit: karman;
literally "act," or "deed"). According to the doctrine of karma, good conduct
brings a pleasant and happy result and creates a tendency toward similar
good acts, while bad conduct brings an evil result and creates a tendency
toward repeated evil actions. This furnishes the basic context for the moral life
of the individual.”13

The doctrine of karma was accepted by Buddha ~500 BC and is incorporated in modern
Buddhism today. It appeared in western thought ~300 BC, in the Old Testament of the
Bible as the phrase: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

Recall Universe is now understood to be process. Reality is a happening. Many things

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order02.jpg

12Edward Haskell, The Unified Science, Private Papers, 1947-1986

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg

are going on all at once. Living systems—the plants, animals, and we humans all live
within the EVENTparadigm. Fuller defined an event to be a triad of related
phenomena—action, reaction, resultant.

The dynamics of all behavior can be understood using these three concepts. Fuller
discovered for every action there is a reaction, and a precessional resultant.

I can decide on an action. I can then implement my action. The environment including
all life forms reactto my action, the vector sum of the two produce a resultant. I act,
the rest of the world reacts, and when it all settles down the change made by the
interaction is the resultant.

Now reformulating Haskell’sThe Moral Law of Unified Scienceto include Fuller’s
Principle of Action—Reaction—Resultant, we get:

Adversary actiontends to provoke adversary reactionending in an adversary

Neutral actiontends to provoke neutral reactionending in a neutral resultant.

And synergic actiontends to provoke synergic reactionending in a synergic
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”

We humans have three choices. We can sowadversary actions and reapadversary
resultants. We can sow neutralactions and reapneutral resultants. Or we can sow
synergic actions and reapsynergic resultants.

N. Arthur Coulter’s Human Synergetics
Another synergic scientist, who worked completely independent of Haskell, also
discovered important truths about synergic relationships. If we choose to sow synergic
actions, then we will need to understand synergic relationships more deeply. N.
Arthur Coulter
explains that rapportis an essential ingredient in the creation of
synergic relationships14:

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order02.jpg

14N. Arthur Coulter,SYNERGETICS: An Adventure in Human Development, Prentice-Hall, 1976

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken


IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order01.jpg

“The dictionary defines rapport as: “The state of persons who are in full and
perfect agreement. A relation of harmony, accord, conformity, affinity, concord,
and unity — especially in an intimate and harmonious relationship.” In
synergetics, rapport is used essentially in this sense, with certain precise

“Rapport is determined by the degree of synergy, empathy, and communication
that exists. This is symbolized by the Synergy-Empathy-Communication
Triangle (SEC Triangle).

SEC Triangle

“The SEC Triangle provides a basis for evaluating the degree of rapport that
exists, and also for systematically improving rapport. Each leg of the triangle
mutually reinforces the other legs, so that there is a synergic relationship.

“The word “synergy” means, literally, “working together.” In medicine, it has
long been used to denote the working together of two or more drugs, or of two
or more muscles acting about a joint. Applied to the human mind, “synergy”
denotes the working together of the enormous variety of functions that
comprise the mind, producing a new whole that is greater than the mere sum
of its parts.

“Within the SEC Triangle, Synergy refers to those interactions, between two
individuals in a relationship, that promote the goals and support the efforts of
both participants. Empathy refers to the mutual understanding that both
participants have for each other — each comprehending the other’s viewpoint
without necessarily agreeing fully or adopting it as their own. Communication
refers to the effective, two-way interchange of data, ideas, etc. between the two

“Synergy promotes empathy and communication.

“Empathy promotes communication and synergy.

“Communication promotes synergy and empathy.”15

IMAGE UCS2-Science-Order02.jpg

15N. Arthur Coulter,SYNERGETICS:1976, ibid

Chapter 5

UnCommon Sense Library Volume II
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken