whether they are synergic or net positive (increasing order), neutral or no change
(static order), or adversary or net negative (decreasing order). Here the defined
directions of the X and Y axes, take on significance.
or net positive (inreasing order), it is longer than
the radius of the zero-zero circle.
(+, +) quadrant. A net
synergic co-Action vector
is shown in the diagram below in green ink.
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
as a result of the relationship. The arrowhead is in the (+, +) quadrant so both are
winning. Their order
in increasing. The position is equally distant from both the X
and Y
axis so they are winning equally.
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
when they began the relationship. They have both won. They have both gained. And,
they have benefited equally from the relationship. The individual order
of both X and
Y has increased because of their interaction.
shifting the reference perimeter away from the origin. The perimeter of the reference
zero-zero circle
can only shift in the defined directions of the X and Y axes. Thus all
net positive co-Actions will lie outside the zero-zero circle.
synergic co-Actions. The sum of their
order together
is greater than the sum of their order
sometimes X wins more than Y
and sometimes X loses. We also see that sometimes Y wins more than X and sometimes
Y loses.
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
reference zero-zero circle.
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
— the cooperator's surplus ( +Z
) outside the
zero-zero circle to the right and above the Axis of Atropy.
(0, +)syntropy
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
green ink. This is what
called the
cooperator's surplus
( +Z
represents the net increase in order
found in a synergic relationship.
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
or no change (static order), it is equal to the
radius of the zero-zero circle. A net neutral
co-Action is plotted on the Axis of
Atropy shown below in light blue ink.
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
is hi-lighted in dark blue
to better
designate the reality of Y’s winning at the expense of X’s losing. The position of the
dark blue dot
shows that X's position is shifted to the right of the Y Axis and that Y's
position is shifted above the X axis.
in which X and Y have simply drawn
(as in win, lose
or draw).neither of them are winning or losing. Their relationship
has had no effect on each others condition. Their order
has remained the same.
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
(-,+)(0, +)syntropy
overlap, but
we can distinguish them by their centers.
(0, +)syntropy
sometimes X wins to Y’s loss and
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken
above the Y axis represents Y’s win at the total expense of X. The net neutral co-Action
centered to the far right and below the X axis represents X’s win at the total expense
of Y. The net neutral co-Action centered at the ORIGIN (0, 0) represents X and Y both
drawing neither winning or losing. The four other net neutral co-Actions fall
somewhere in between.
a net adversary co-Action. Haskell used the convention of drawing the co-Action
vector from the position inside the zero-zero circle representing X and Y’s condition
from the direction of the
quadrant to the (0,0) ORIGIN.
is shown below in red ink.
(0, +)syntropy
and terminates there. However, it is the position of the back or but end of the vector,
where the guide feathers on an arrow would be found that accurately depicts X and
Y’s condition. Below I have plotted seven net adversary co-Actions.
Chapter 5
TrustMark 2002 by Timothy Wilken