Timothy Wilken
The SynEARTH network is for humans. At News for a Synergic Earth, I try to have an equal serving of good news and bad news–the carrot and the stick. The bad news are problems that need to be fixed. The good news are opportunities to fix problems. I am trying to motivate my fellow humans to grow up.
Our species is in crisis. We are simply too powerful to live as children.
This is a problem that all parents face. If a two year old throws a temper tantrum, most mothers can contain the violent outburst of the child and protect him and others. But as the child grows, he gets physically much stronger. If a 12 yo throws a temper tantrum it may be hard for both parents to contain him and protect others. And when the child gets even older …
Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18 armed with semi-automatic rifles threw temper tantrums at Columbine High School, it took a swat team to contain them. And the cost was 15 deaths and 34 casualties.
Now our human societies are growing ever stronger, India, Pakistan, Israel, China, Russia, France, England, and the United States are all armed with nuclear weapons. Iraq, Korea, Iran and many other nations are heavily armed with conventional weapons, and some may have biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction.
If /when a society throws a temper tantrum, there will be no power than can protect us.
We, Humans are a life form that adapts to our environment by understanding and control. This is the power of Time-binding. Time-binding is unlimited. When human knowledge is incorporated into ‘matter-energy’ it is called a tool. Humans make tools. When a tool is used to hurt others, it becomes a weapon. BOEING 767s are tools used transport humans all over the Earth. But when they were deliberately flown into the Trade Towers, they became weapons.
Since human knowledge grows without limit, human societies can make tools without limit—or—they can make weapons without limit. … Knowledge is knowing how to make a nuclear weapon. Wisdom is knowing not to make one.
Isn’t time for humanity to grow up?