StarChild Science—Judy Wilken writes: If you’re like a duck on the pond and think everything seems to be ok in the kitchen, just walk into any upscale eatery on a […]
Continue readingTag: Best of Times
What is Treatment?
Dr. Carol Zaehn of Prayer That Works writes: The same way people go to a physician to receive a medical treatment, one can visit a spiritual adviser and receive a […]
Continue readingA New Theory of Money
Ellen Brown The reason our financial system has routinely gotten into trouble, with periodic waves of depression like the one we’re battling now, may be due to a flawed perception […]
Continue readingEmail from Dan Bostan
Timothy Wilken I received the following note a few days ago. I think you may find it interesting. The writer is associated with an organization called Human Wisdom and one […]
Continue readingTime for a Synergic Future
P2P Foundation—Timothy Wilken, MD writes: “Market is unsustainable, inefficient, and enormously destructive to the biosphere. And, it is failing. There will be no solutions from Big government or from Big […]
Continue readingDo You Hear the Call?
StarChild Science—When asked, What was her inspiration for the Hear the Call Poster, Judy Wilken answered: When I was a small girl my grandfather would hoist me up onto his […]
Continue readingAwakening to your Unique Self
I continue to study the teachings of Marc Gafni. Marc is a Master Teacher, perhaps a ‘LEONARDO’ of teaching. Marc is now teaching online. His next scheduled telecourse is The […]
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Timothy Wilken I continue to study the teachings of Marc Gafni. These teachings are available in his two books: SoulPrints and The Mystery of Love, but what were of most […]
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Timothy Wilken I am currently studying the teachings of Marc Gafni who I first heard speak in June of this year. I soon purchased two of his books: SoulPrints and […]
Continue readingReality Receding
James Howard Kunstler writes: Now that everybody in the USA, from the janitors in their man-caves to the president addressing congress, has declared the “recession” over, is exactly the moment […]
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