I am a afraid for us. The times are very dangerous.
Today, we are all in danger of the judgement, a judgement not of God’s making, but of our own. We have misjudged our own true identity. You and me, our wives and husbands, our children, our parents and grandparents, our brothers and sisters, friends and loved ones, all of us, each and everyone of us are in danger from our misjudgement of who we really are.
We have failed to perceive ourselves as Time-binders. The adversary way of the Space-binder is not for us, and neither is the neutral way of the Energy-binder.
It is true that we evolved from the world of space-binding, and there we mastered the adversary way. Our adversary past is legitimate. Our struggle there resulted in the emergence of our unique human intelligence – our Time-binding power. With our Time-binding intelligence and new human sensibilities, the adversary way became too harsh and painful for the human mind and spirit, and so we sought to escape.
We found a temporary haven in the neutral way of the energy-binders. We modified the neutral way for our own use. The apparently unlimited resources of the Earth, gave us a brief opportunity to escape from the losing way. Human Neutrality began in the 17th century with the emergence of the large markets. It was institutionalized in 1776, and then worked well for humankind for another 150 years.
We Americans have had the greatest benefit from those 150 years of neutrality, and so we are better off today than most humans living in the rest of the world. In fact, Neutrality has granted us Americans the highest standard of living in the world. As the following analogy explains:
“If we could shrink the Earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people. With all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this:
There would be 57 Asians, 21 Europeans, 14 from the Western Hemisphere (North and South) and 8 Africans.
51 would be female; 49 would be male
70 would be nonwhite; 30 white.
70 would be non-Christian; 30 Christian.
50% of the entire world’s wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people and all 6 would be citizens of the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing.
70 would be unable to read.
50 would suffer from malnutrition.
1 would be near death , 1 would be near birth
Only 1 would have a college education.
No one would own a computer”
A few are winning, but most are losing. Most living humans are losing and face great pain and suffering because of the present distribution of wealth. Let us examine the condition of Earth’s six billion humans:
“The richest 20% of the world now have 85% of the world’s income, while the poorest 20% share 1.4%. The gap between the rich and poor grows alarmingly larger each year. Globally between 13 and 18 million people die each year due to starvation or starvation-related causes. That is nearly as many people dying each day for lack of food as Americans who died in the entire Vietnam War. More than 800 million people are malnourished in the world and routinely go without enough food to live in optimal health.”
And, the 20% of humanity controlling 85% of the Earth’s wealth call that wealth their personal ìproperty” and lose no sleep over the plight of their fellow humans. Remember, in a neutral world you are supposed to be ìindependent”. If you are poor or hungry, it is your own fault. The winners in today’s world are not bad people. They are playing the game according to the rules of neutrality. Most humans who plunder their brothers and sisters do so without knowledge of the synergic way. They are just trying to survive according to the rules as they understand them. If you had lived their lives you would behave as they do.
Most of the winners have been Americans. The United States has controlled the majority of the Earth’s wealth in this century. Recall as recently as 1947, America was described as follows:
“The people of the United States, who occupy only 6 percent of the world’s land area and who represent less than 7 per cent of the world’s population, own:
85 per cent of the world’s automobiles
60 per cent of the life insurance policies
54 per cent of the telephones
46 per cent of the electric power capacity
35 per cent of the world’s railway mileage
30 per cent of the improved highways
92 per cent of the modern bathtubs“Before the war, Americans consumed:
75 per cent of the worlds silk
60 per cent of the world’s rubber
50 per cent of the world’s coffee
40 per cent of the world’s salt.This leads to the conclusion that the people of the United States are exactly nine times better off than the people in the rest of the world.”
But even here in America, there are rich Americans and poor Americans.
In the newspaper headlines for July 10, 1998, Neil Bennett, co-author of a study just released by the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University stated:
“In 1996, 5.5 million children under 6 lived in poverty many more than in the early 1980s, when there were 4.4 million. In 1996, the official poverty line for a family of four was $16,036 a year; for a three-person family, it was $12,516. But the families of almost half the young children in poverty earned less than half that.”
In a related report Valdas Anelauskas wrote:
“During the last few decades child poverty became entrenched in America on a scale unprecedented in the postwar period and unmatched in the advanced world. The 20-year growth of the number of American children actually living in deep poverty is amazing. It climbed from 15.4 percent in 1974 to 20.8 percent in 1995. More than 14 million American children – the equivalent of a medium-sized country – are now despairingly poor. They live in families that lack the money to pay the rent for decent housing and put food on the table. Hundreds of thousands of American children are homeless today, and many more than that are hungry. This gives us an idea how ìwell” American society is treating its youngest members.
“The very fact that in one of the world’s richest countries 14.3 million of children live in abject misery says how ìadvanced” this society is… As a matter of fact, one out of every five children in the U.S. lives in destitution today. For children under six, the group most vulnerable to all the negative impacts of poverty, the rate is even higher: one in four.”
Today it is a common assumed by many Americans that the economic difficulties of modern life result from the so called welfare state. They believe that most of their tax dollars are spend to take care of the poor – who do nothing to ìearn” their own living.
“Many Americans still believe that poor people don’t work or that those people who work are not poor, and that people who are poor just need to work. But the truth is that more than a third of poor children in America today live in working families where at least one parent works year-round, says the 1996 Kids Count Data Book, a compilation of statistics on the well-being of children released annually by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
“In 1994, the United States had 5.6 million poor children living in families with incomes way below the official poverty line despite parents working full time 50 or more weeks that year. This was up from 3.4 million two decades earlier. The Baltimore-based foundation points out that children of the working poor is the fastest-growing segment of the nation’s children who live in severe poverty. Besides, a majority of all poor children under the age of six – 62 percent – lived in working families, contrary to the commonly-held belief that a parent’s job will keep children out of poverty. In the years since 1989, the number of youngest children living in these so-called working-poor families has jumped 30 percent. And we continue to see expanding millions of desperate American families who are unable to protect their kids from poverty. More and more children in the United States are growing up despairingly poor regardless of their parents’ work efforts.”
Apparently it is difficult to raise a family on what you make working at McDonald’s. Despite the so called ìwelfare state”, a careful analysis of how government spends our taxes dollars reveals that only a small portion – less than 12% is actually going to benefit America’s poor.
A much larger portion of our government spending – 45% of the federal budget goes to pay Social Security and Medicare benefits to retired Americans. However since these benefits far exceed the amounts that they paid in before their retirement, these Americans are in fact on welfare. But somehow, we never complain about Grandma and Grandpa.
Distribution of Wealth in America
The American government ìowns” one third of the nation’s land and natural resources. Just 3% of the population owns 95% of the remaining land and natural resources.
While working Americans are concerned about their increasing tax burdens and where their tax dollars are being spent. Much of America’s wealth continues to be diverted invisibly to the Shareholders of the 1000 largest American corporations. These individuals do nothing to ìearn” their livings either, but continue to quietly collect their private welfare checks.
Recall what Fuller taught us:
“ìIf we take the billions of dollars given in the 1930s to the great U.S.A. defense-industries corporations by the New Deal’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation Ö if we take the hidden tax-deduction subsidies to do research, development, and advertising given to all these companies in pre-1942 dollars between 1933 and 1980 Ö if we take the $100 billion in foreign aid that paid for the overseas establishment of the great corporations Ö if we take the $155 billion of atomic know-how and development taken over by the oil companies Ö and if we take the number of fine ounces of gold bullion taken out of America exclusively by the capitalist world’s banking system Ö and if we take a reasonably low estimate of the unknown billions of dollars taken out of the U.S.A. by the CIA to operate exclusively on behalf of international capitalism without the knowledge or authority of the people of the U.S. of America’s quasi-democracy Ö and if we multiply the sum of the foregoing figures by twenty-five, which is the amount to which.our present U.S.A. dollars have been depreciated between the time of the appropriations and January 1, 1980, we come to a figure in the magnitude of $6 trillion that has been legally transferred from the U.S.A. people’s national capital account over to the capital ownership account of the stock-holders of the 1000 largest, transnational, exclusively American-flag-flying corporations.”
If we update that January 1980 $6 trillion figure to reflect reality as of July 1998, we are looking at conservatively $40 trillion. Forty trillion dollars removed from we the people.
If the shareholders of the 1000 largest, transnational, American-flag flying corporation returned that money to we the people, each man, woman, and child living today in America would be entitled to receive payment of $150,000 dollars.
As Fuller explains these people are not bad. They do not even know they are plundering their follow humans. They are just trying to survive using the adversary-neutral mechanisms available in today’s world.
The Minotaur and the Centaur
Myth is an early form of time-binding. Beliefs held during human’s early history were passed to descendants as myth – in the form of songs, odes, poems, tales, and legends.
The early Greeks wondered much about the ìnature of man”. They wondered why man did the things he did. Man seemed to have enormous capacity for good, and yet enormous capacity for evil. This concerned the early Greeks much. They believed man was a mixture of good and evil. This human belief has been passed to us in the myths of the Minotaur and the Centaur.
The Minotaur was the result of the sexual union between a marvelously beautiful, radiant bull and the wife of King Minos of Crete. A carnivorous monster, the Minotaur was a mixture of beast and man. His head was that of the bull, his body that of a human. He was so violent and dangerous that he had to be confined in the labyrinth of Crete. This mixture of good and evil, of human and beast, was dominated by his baser side. His human intelligence was controlled and dominated by his animal nature. The myth tells us that the Minotaur was so aggressive and so evil that to appease him, King Minos regularly sacrificed Athenian youths and maidens to prevent him from destroying the city.
Now, in the myth of the Centaur we also see the representation of this mixture of good and evil , the mixture of human and beast. The Centaur is the result of the sexual union between the god Ixion and a group of mares. The Centaurs were half men and half animals. They had the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. The most famous of the Centaurs was Chiron. Chiron was noted to be the wisest of the wise, he was physician and teacher and was most noted for the tutorage of the Greek heroes Achilles and Jason. The Centaur represented a mixture of animal and human but one in which the animal nature was controlled and dominated by the human intelligence.
Human knowledge today, the result of millions of years of time-binding suggest that the Minotaur and the Centaur still exist today. We humans are the Centaurs and the Minotaurs. Sometimes our rational human intelligence dominates our more primitive animal nature. But far, far too often our animal nature controls and dominates our human intelligence. The presence of the Minotaur in our current civilization represents a paradox.
Paradox is defined as a situation which is contrary to received opinion or expectation. One of the major powers of time-binding is the ability to predict. When time-binders make a prediction and the result is different, they are surprised. Paradox is when things are not as we would expect them to be. The idea that best describes our present human condition is paradox. The major product of time-binding is knowledge. When humans act with knowledge they create the best of times. When humans act in ignorance, they create the worst of times. Paradox exists when humans act with knowledge and in ignorance – when they create the best of times and the worst of times.
It is the best of times
Today in the ìfree” world, we can teach infants to read, to do mathematics, and to play musical instruments. Our technical quality of life has never been higher. Television, Radios, Stereos, CDs, Personal Computers, Cellular Phones, Clothes Washers and Dryers, Dishwashers, Microwave Ovens – all are common place. Most families have one or more automobiles. We can heal most injuries. Replace damaged and aging organs. Cure most infections. Cure many cancers. We have put humans in Space and on the Moon. We can circle the Earth in hours. We can go anywhere under the sea.
Our knowledge and technology have never been greater. Our science, our human scope and abilities have never been more powerful.
It is the worst of times
Today, the United States of America the primary beneficiary of Institutional Neutrality and Time-binding is bankrupt. Neutrality was a welcome reprieve from the adversary world, but to work it requires unlimited resources. We have reached the end of unlimited resources and that means the return to world of scarcity. This change brings increased Indifference and Conflict.
Declining Quality of Life – All American citizens are experiencing declining quality of life. Declining compensation for all workers has forced both parents to work just to pay the bills, this force is deteriorating the nuclear family. Ever increasing percentages of families are unable to afford the cost of buying or maintaining a home. There are currently 50,000,000 Americans without health insurance. Ever increasing percentages of American youths are unable to afford college or higher education or anything more than the deteriorating public schools. American schools once the best in the world now graduate illiterate high school seniors. Many young adults are without goals or even an interest in the future. Growing numbers of teenagers are pregnant without husbands, drug and alcohol dependent, and victims of evergrowing teenage crime and suicide rates.
Homelessness has now become an institution found in every city and town in America. Large numbers of Americans live out their brief lives completely ignored. Every week, hundreds of children disappear from American streets in our cities and towns – many without notice.
And the rest of the world today is still dominated by Adversary Relationships. There things are even worse.
Human Conflict – Conflict and warfare are natural resultants of the adversary way and are not new to human life. What is new is that with human progress, the tools of warfare are growing evermore destructive and deadly.
“And, most alarming in a world as dangerous and well armed as ours, there are currently over 79 armed conflicts going on around the world, 65 of which are in the developing world. There have been over 123 million people killed in 149 wars since World War II.”
Today, there are 100,000+ weapons of mass destruction on our planet These include nuclear, chemical, and biological warheads. These weapons are located in numerous nations including America, Russia, England, France, India, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and who knows where else. For decades these weapons of mass destruction were tightly held by the super powers, but now with the breakup and breakdown of the Soviet Block, tens of thousands of these weapons are no longer well controlled. All to soon these weapons will fall in to the hands of terrorists. Some of these weapons are light enough to be carried by a single man inside a backpack, and yet are still capable of killing tens of thousands of humans.
Conventional warfare continues to flare in dozens of nations including Bosnia, Ireland, Iran, Iraq, El Salvador, Niguragua, Angola, Chad, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Viet Nam, Cambodia, South Africa, the Philippines, and elsewhere and anywhere. These so called smaller conflicts are very deadly in themselves with widespread use of automatic weapons, mortars, artillery, mines, grenades, and plastic explosives. As Hazel Henderson explains:
“Of the eighty-two conflicts in the world between 1989 and1992, all but three had been within nations. In these domestic wars, civilians were 90 percent of the casualties. By 1993, there were 18.2 million refugees and 24 million internally displaced people. By October 1994, these figures had increased to 23 million and 26 million, respectively. Meanwhile, the world’s debt trap persisted in most heavily indebted poor countries, which still owed $230 billion at the end of 1993. Budget deficits in industrial countries grew; only Norway, one nation out of the twenty-nine members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, had a surplus in 1995.”
High tech conflict is now found on the streets of most cities and towns. criminals and terrorists make use of cell phones, computers, automatic weapons and high explosives. Today no human – adult or child is safe from mechanized violence.
Human Indifference – Today hundreds of millions of adults and children throughout the world are suffering from abject poverty and starvation. Millions die from causes that could easily prevented or eliminated, but nothing is done. Their bodies are often not even buried. We have enormous conflict, economic inequity, violence, illness, starvation, suffering, and pain. As Medard Gabel explains:
Our global problems may seem insurmountable, even inconceivable to some. Globally between 13 and 18 million people die each year due to starvation or starvation-related causes. That is nearly as many people dying each day as Americans who died in the entire Vietnam War. More than 800 million people are malnourished in the world and routinely go without enough food to live in optimal health. Despite monumental strides in medical science which have improved the longevity and quality of life for the average human, large segments of the world’s population continue to suffer from preventable diseases and lack access to even basic health care. For example:
- Some 20% of the world’s children go without basic immunization, most of whom live in remote and often impoverished areas where infection is more likely to lead to death.
- Over 9 million children die each year from preventable causes, most of them from dehydration, routine infections, or one of several major diseases for which vaccines are available.
- Some 500,000 women die in childbirth each year while over 3 million infants die from dehydrating diseases that could be eliminated through breast feeding or Oral Rehydration Therapy, a simple and cheap mixture of clean water, sugar and salts.
- Over 17 million people die each year from curable infectious and parasitic diseases such as diarrhea, malaria and tuberculosis.
- Over 500 million people are infected with tropical diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, river blindness, and schistosomiasis, all of which are now preventable.
Over 18 million people are infected with the AIDS virus.- More than a billion people lack access to any health care.
- There are 1.75 billion people without adequate drinking water.
- A billion people are without adequate housing, and 100 million are homeless.
- Nearly a billion people, mostly women, are illiterate, and about 130 million children at primary school age and 275 million at secondary level are not enrolled in school.
- There are over 53 million uprooted people or refugees in the world, 80% of which are women and children.
- There are over 110 million landmines scattered in 64 countries killing and maiming over 9,000 children, women and civilians of all ages each year, and over one million since 1975.
- The developing world is at least $618 billion in debt to the developed world and the gap between the rich and poor grows alarmingly larger each year.
- The richest 20% of the world now have 85% of the world’s income, while the poorest 20% share 1.4%.”
Ecological Crisis – Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Water and Air Pollution, Toxic Buildup, Strip Mining, Deforestation, Erosion & Topsoil Depletion; Greenhouse Effect, Ice Age, Nuclear Winter, Asteroids threatening the Planet. Gabel continues:
On top of these outrageous conditions are layered the alarming environmental problems confronting the world:
- Around the planet, 26 billion tons of topsoil are being eroded per year from the world’s farmland. That’s 3 million tons per hour.
- Deserts advance at a rate of nearly 15 million acres per year.
- 10 million acres of rain forest are destroyed annually.
- Over 200 million tons of waste are added to the atmosphere each year.
- Over six billion tons of carbon from fossil fuel burning were added to the atmosphere last year.
- There is a 6 million square mile hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica, and a 4.5 to 5% loss of ozone over the Northern Hemisphere.
- The planet has warmed at least 1∞ C in the last century, and given the annual carbon, CO2, CFC, and methane transmissions into the atmosphere, it will rise another 2.5∞ to 5.5∞ in the coming century.
- There are over 31,000 hazardous waste sites in the US alone, while in Europe, Estonia, and Lithuania acid rain has damaged over 122.6 million acres of forest.
- There are over 130,000 tons of known nuclear waste in the world, some of which will remain poisonous to the planet for another 100,000 years.
- And, last but not least, keeping the pressure on humanity to produce as much as possible from the Earth-driving the juggernaut described above-is the world’s population which is increasing by about 90 million people each year, or about the population of all of Mexico.”
Today, our human ignorance is creating conflict and indifference leveraged with the power of time-binding. This is the source of our human crisis. Conflict and indifference mixed with ever more powerful technology is resulting in a formula for human extinction. Ours is not a crisis of high technology, but of low humanology.
We, the People, – That’s us, you and me, and ~6,000,000,000 others as well. We are the real victims of the present adversary-neutral culture and our adversary-neutral governments. We the People is where the buck really stops in modern culture. It is we the People who will lose our lives and our childrens’ future in a high-technological war/accident made probable by massive high-technological weapon buildup and the continuing global dissemination of these weapons.
It is we the People who will lose our jobs, our businesses, our homes, and possessions in a global economic collapse made probable by continually increasing federal and trade deficits by our adversary-neutral governments.
It is we the People that have the least power of all the players, and paradoxically the most power. When we the People are united, we become the strongest force in human culture for change. But, presently we the People are in a state of confusion and disorganization. Presently, we the People are influenced heavily by the diverse rhetoric bombarded us from all directions, not to mention the powerful lobbying of the all the special interests. Presently, most of we the People are unaware of the relationship between our overwhelming problems and the adversary-neutral mechanisms that have dominated our human history. And so today we the People find ourselves helpless and ineffective.
Today we the People are embedded in crisis,and paradox, and we find ourselves facing the end times.
The truth is especially hard to believe if it requires that we take action – if it requires that we change. If humanity is to have a future, we must take action – we must change. If humanity is to have a future, we must believe the truth.