Lawrence B. Crowell I am having a bit of an argument with some in the Green party on hemp energy. I am not against this as such, but the claims […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
INTERdependence – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (4)
Timothy Wilken Stop reading! Take a few moment to examine the contents of your pockets or purse …… Can you find any item there, that you obtained without the help […]
Continue readingNeeds & Actions – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (3)
Timothy Wilken If we are to create a safe and comfortable future, we must understand our connection to life. Our life connection is not only relevant, it is the crucial […]
Continue readingAdaptation – Our Greatest Challenge
L.W. Nicholson All through history the primary source of energy available for the use of the human species was his own muscle power. Even up to the beginning of the […]
Continue readingCOSMIC COSTING
by Buckminster Fuller HAMILTON VS JEFFERSON In the decades immediately following America’s successful 1776 revolution, a group of political strategists led by Alexander Hamilton persuaded the Congress of the United […]
Continue readingBeyond Capitalism – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (2)
Timothy Wilken My focus as a synergic scientist is on understanding how humans can relate together using structures and mechanisms that will insure that all parties to a relationship win. […]
Continue readingA Spiritual Basis – Towards the Gift Tensegrity (1)
Timothy Wilken As children we all are taught that it is better to give than to receive. Certainly, that seems likean excellent philosophy for making close relationships and living in […]
Continue readingEnergy Group Dialogue
Tom Roberts from Energy Resources writes: “In his article L. W. Nicholson wrote: “Now we need people who have become experts at composing an overall view. People who have at least some knowledge […]
Continue readingReaders Respond to Politics and Big Business
A number of readers responded to L.W. Nicholson‘s essay. Jacqueline — “Well written … and that was GOOD about if the entire ocean were oil instead of water.” Dean — “Possibly ‘insanity’? A continuing […]
Continue readingNicholson Challenges, Newton Responds
L.W. Nicholson wrote at the energyresources yahoo group: “… some have become experts at one thing and others have become experts at other things. Now we need people who have become experts […]
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