James North writes with concerns making the GT work for the poor—for those with less to gift:”I think the ‘urgency’ issue is big factor. I wonder if that ‘urgency’ might […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
State of the World’s Energy
Matthew Simmons Speaking at the IRO Jubilee (11-15-01)—”Perhaps the biggest challenge facing future oil supplies, is that almost 70% of our existing daily supply still comes from oilfields found over […]
Continue readingThe Evolution of the Gift Tensegrity
Timothy Wilken The creation of a new system for the exchange of goods and services is an enormous challenge. The design of the Gift Tensegrity must therefore be a work […]
Continue readingSustainability — One Family’s Story
Robert Waldrop I have found a very interesting web site of a family of 5 in Pasadena, California, who are practicing urban agriculture on their typical lot in an older […]
Continue readingQuestions about the Gift Tensegrity
Arthur Noll writes: I think the problem with keeping track of transactions, and with having those who don’t participate, is solved by people making commitments to the system. Arthur, I […]
Continue readingKeeping Track of Exchanges in the Gift Tensegrity
Timothy Wilken Some early readers have responded with concerns about keeping track of help exchanges. They say this is an unnecessary burden. We don’t bother to keep track of the […]
Continue readingGift Tensegrity
Economist Wayne F. Perg, Ph. D writes: “My concept and understanding of the Gift Tensegrity is one of a radical move away from trade-oriented or materialistic sort of exchange. “In […]
Continue readingDebt and the Environment
L. W. Nicholson As the national debt goes up, the value of the dollar goes down. The federal debt, now (Oct. 12, 2001) at $5.8 TRILLION, plus all other government […]
Continue readingWar on Afghanistan. Is it the Oil?
Jim Fitzsimons The conclusion John Pilger arrives at is the same one arrived at by George Monbiot; another excellent journalist; in his article in last weeks Guardian (a UK broadsheet). […]
Continue readingChanging the World
Timothy Wilken “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead The Gift Tensegrity is […]
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