A Proposal by Newton Ellison To help humanity prepare for a future without oil, gas or coal, we envision the creation of what we call Solar Prosperity Corridors. The earth […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Human Dieoff! What comes after?
Timothy Wilken We humans have a big problem. We are running out fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels the Earth can support only a fraction of today’s human population. Since those of […]
Continue readingOne Song Can Spark a Moment
Author Unknown ONE One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a […]
Continue readingMerry Christmas – Little Angels
From Little Angels Book of Christmas by Joan Walsh Anglund The merry bustle in the street, The sleigh bells in the air, The happy laughter as friends meet, It’s Christmas […]
Continue readingGo Be Reconciled With Thy Brother
Timothy Wilken Happy Holidays!! In his sermon on the mount, Jesus of Nazareth taught: “Love our enemies, do good to them that hate us, bless them that curse us, and […]
Continue readingWho Is My Family?
Arthur Noll My message is that we must live in harmony with each other and with the earth. In my vision of the future, there is a combination of the […]
Continue readingTelling Others about the Fossil Fuel Energy Crisis
Ted Swarts British Columbia Rarely a day goes by in which I don’t mention the looming fossil fuel shortage to acquaintances or people I’ve met in passing, on plane flights […]
Continue readingCo-Operative Trusts
Timothy Wilken Introduction and Rationale Today, most humans solve their problems as individuals or at best as nuclear families. They meet their individual needs with individual actions. At best they […]
Continue readingThe Heurisms of Human Synergetics
N. Arthur Coulter, MD As every schoolboy knows, geometry is based on a number of fundamental statements called axioms and postulates. Indeed, all of mathematics is so based. These were […]
Continue readingWhat, Me Worry?
Timothy Wilken Bjorn Lomborg, Ph.D., associate professor in statistics, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark, is a concerned environmentalist, a former Greenpeace member, a left-wing sympathizer who is vegetarian […]
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