Changing the World

Timothy Wilken

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead

The Gift Tensegrity is a new mechanism for humans to exchange help. As an INTERdependent class of life, we need help to survive.

There are only three ways to get help from others—you can make others help you with force, you can pay others to help you in the fair market, or you can help others and trust that when you need help they will help you. The first way is an adversary help exchange. The second is a neutral help exchange, and the third is a synergic help exchange.

On Monday of this coming week, I will describe how the Gift Tensegrity might work. You will find that description much more meaningful, if you have done some preparatory reading.

A good place to start is the link on this page to Gift Economy. You might like to do some independent research of your own. A great place to do research is Google. And finally, please examine the ten small essays presented on our front pages these past two weeks as the Towards the Gift Tensegrity series.

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Thanks for your time and attention. We humans can solve our problems, all we have to do is work together.

Timothy Wilken