Neale Donald Walsch
from Tomorrow’s God
Giving transforms Having into Being.
I can imagine myself as “having” creativity, but only through the giving of my creativity to others can I experience being creative.
I can imagine myself as “having” abundance, but only through the giving of my abundance to others can I experience being abundant.
I can imagine myself as “having” love, but only through the giving of my love to others can I experience myself as being love.
Giving transforms Having into Being, and the miracle of giving is that we are giving only to ourselves. This is always the case, and this is the great secret of Life. It is the unfolded mystery of every spiritual tradition.
This is the Universal Law, and it cannot be avoided, nor can it be bypassed, sidestepped, or ignored. It will play its effect in our lives sooner or later. Thus it has been taught: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” And, “Do unto others as you would have it done unto you.” And, “What goes around, comes around.”