August Steiner-Zehender
Facts and knowledge are functions of the temporal. Truth and wisdom are functions of the spiritual. Facts change with new and more extensive knowledge. Truth never changes. More knowledge does not mean more wisdom, but you already know that. … What is lacking is love. What proceeds from love needs no justification and does no harm. Only that which is wrong requires justification. Love does not recognize race, religion, nationality. Love does not seek to increase anything other than love. No monetary gain, no national interest, no creedal adherence. Love requires neither laws nor rules. What proceeds from love is only good and all love is the same thing and comes from the same source. The difference is only social relationship and cultural conditioning. Name and form change but the thing remains the same. The love you have for your parents, your children, your spouse, your neighbors and friends is not separate and different. Only how it is exhibited changes. (And I am not speaking of carnality here. Sex may either be an expression of love or merely a physical act.) Love requires at least 2 things. The first being selflessness and the second service to ones fellows. Perhaps more, but at least those two things.