Leonardo da Vinci was born on 15, April 1452 in the period of the renaissance. I have long felt it was proper to designate this day as Leonardo Day in honor of his life and Genius. As a tribute to Leonardo, I published volume one of the UnCommon Sense Library titled We Can All Win! on April 15th five years ago. That initial volume presented the basic principles of synergic science as applied to human relationships. It disclosed the scientific proof that it is possible for humanity to live together without war or conflict. … The synergic sciences focuses on the whole system to understand the relationships between the parts. These relationships can be positive—synergic, they can be indifferent—neutral, or they can be negative—adversary. Using the synergic sciences, we humans can restructure our relationships so they are positive. This means that we can be more happy, more effective, and more productive though synergic relationship. …the synergic sciences will allow us to accomplish many things never before thought possible. …the synergic sciences can solve enormous problems for humankind. …the synergic sciences can bring many positive and wonderful changes to our lives, but the “how” will be very different from the way things are done today. The synergic sciences present us with a remarkably new view of humanity and of our human potential. This new view may challenge many of your current beliefs and some of your basic values. But this is good news, because without a major change in beliefs and basic values our human problems are not solvable. Therefore, as you read, I ask only that you suspend judgement a little while. The synergic sciences are not hard to understand, but like all new knowledge they require some investment of your time. I ask only that you take this opportunity to think carefully and consider fully. The synergic sciences allow the creation of tools that can turn the world upside down in the most positive of ways. They offer a basis for finally understanding humanity, the human condition, and ourselves. UnCommon Sense brings good news of a better way for humanity—a way in which we can all win. A way that will allow us to create a positive, safe and comfortable future for all of humanity. This is not a partial solution. The synergic sciences can be used to create a safe and positive future for all of us. They will allow us to make a world that works for all humans living today—all six billion of us. And they promise a world that could work for even more of us. If all solutions were synergic solutions, the carrying capacity of planet earth could approach 50 billion humans. And this is without any need to damage the earth, or degrade our environment. This is the enormous promise of the synergic sciences. UnCommon Sense will explain how this can be accomplished. But to reach that safe and positive future, we will have to change the way in which we relate to each other. (04/16/04)