I believe Genius and Goodness are natural behaviors available to every healthy human. I think that these behaviors can become common if more humans understand how their brains and minds work. I am currently working on a book that will reveal the basis for my beliefs. You can see a brief preview here.
Timothy Wilken
I believe that it is possible for most humans to understand, and then master their intelligence fully. Those who choose to do so, can with practice, develop the ability to access all five modes of thinking: Survive, Adapt, Control, Create, and Co-Operate at will. With additional study and contemplation they can gain mastery of the four levels of knowing: Perception, Conception, Mechanism, and Consequence.
PERCEPTION is the understanding of space and sameness—spacial integrity—recognizing WHAT is associated with Good Space and WHAT is associated with Bad Space. PERCEPTION is also knowing WHERE to go to enable or avoid a recognized event—knowing WHERE to go to secure Good Space and WHERE to go to avoid Bad Space. PERCEPTION enables the ability of Adaptation.
CONCEPTION is the understanding of time and difference—temporal sequence—local cause and effect, and from that understanding knowing WHEN to act in time to encourage a desired event, or WHEN to act in time to discourage an undesired event from occurring. CONCEPTION enables the ability of Control.
MECHANISM is the understanding of HOW things work together—what events and actions are necessary to produce a desired resultant—knowing how PERCEPTION and CONCEPTION relate to each other. MECHANISM enables the ability of Creation.
And finally, CONSEQUENCE is the understanding of the potential risks and benefits of our actions and their effects on our selves and upon others. CONSEQUENCE enables the ability of Co-Operation.
Let me provide one example of these four levels of knowing, and how they might apply to one problem currently threatening our civilization. As Albert Einstein warned us over sixty-six years ago:
“The splitting of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.”
Einstein had discovered one of Nature’s MECHANISMS: E=mc2
The scientists and technicians working at the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico used their KnowHow to weaponize this MECHANISM of Nature with the creation of nuclear bombs.
Now let us examine the threat of nuclear weapons from the perspective of our four levels of human knowing. PERCEPTION is the level of knowing necessary to adapt to a nuclear event —to know what is associated with a nuclear blast, and to know where to go to escape from the blast of a nuclear weapon. Where is Good Space? Where can I go to avoid Bad Space?
CONCEPTION is the level of knowing necessary to control a nuclear event —to know when to act to either detonate, or deactivate a nuclear weapon. What is the proper sequence of actions to control the process? And, when to I enter the activation code? Or, when do I enter the deactivation code?
MECHANISM is the level of knowing necessary to create a nuclear event—to know how reality allows the forces of nature to interact and result in a nuclear explosion—E=mc2. And, it also is the level of understanding necessary to invent and manufacture the technology of a nuclear weapon—the Manhattan Project. How do I design a nuclear device?
And finally, CONSEQUENCE is the level of knowing necessary in order to co-Operate—to know why that we should never have created nuclear weapons in the first place. Why are we creating these devices? What will be the consequence of their existence?