This morning the Editor of Metaphysics Anonymous examines two tactics of adversity.
Eldon New
I have noticed a symmetry between terrorism and torture.
They are both tactics to influence military campaigns or political movements.
They both tend to backfire, that is they can have the opposite effect than the one intended.
The tactic of terror is used by political movements with no ability or authority to negotiate, and who do not feel included in the political process.
The tactic of torture is used by political groups in power with legal authority and is used to maintain that power.
The Encyclopedia Americana has a section on torture:
The article mentions groups who practice these methods:
‘brainwashing’ accompanied by general ill treatment, promises of good treatment, and threats of injury to relatives.” ….Encyclopedia Americana, [1]
Newer issues of this encyclopedia will have to be updated to include the detail that some factions in the US government have decided that torture will now be allowed and utilized.
I have been in contact with Capt. Nemo through his friend Col. Kurtz, and he is planning to begin a part of the “War on Torture” by using sarcasm against the “evildoers” who perpetrate this abomination.
The US government has decided to pull out of the international court and not abide by the Geneva Convention, which they describe as “quaint.”
Einstein has weighed in on the issue of international law:
Some people are worried by the bogus rationale for a recent war:
Reagan assumed the United States would continue to honor international law and human rights:
If this bothers you, we can get reassurance from President G.W. Bush’s recent statement:
I was going to print Captain Nemo’s response to that remark, but in light of the FCC’c recent rulings, it is unprintable. [6]
[1] Encyclopedia Americana, 1960. Vol XXVI , page 714
[2] Albert Einstein, quoted in “Planethood”, by Ferencz and Keyes, 1988 pg 118
[3] Myron W. Kronisch, Campaign for UN Reform, ibid, pg 122
[4] President Ronald Reagan, Address to the UN General Assembly, 1983 ibid, pg 136
[5] President[sic] G.W. Bush, press conference, Dec., 2004
6] I’m not telling!
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