Mark Hertsgaard
The bad news is that we have to change our ways–and fast. Here’s the good news: it could be a hugely profitable enterprise.
So what do we do? Everyone knows the planet is in bad shape, but most people are resigned to passivity. Changing course, they reason, would require economic sacrifice and provoke stiff resistance from corporations and consumers alike, so why bother? It’s easier to ignore the gathering storm clouds and hope the problem magically takes care of itself.
Such fatalism is not only dangerous but mistaken. For much of the 1990s I traveled the world to write a book about our environmental predicament. (see Earth Odyssey). I returned home sobered by the extent of the damage we are causing and by the speed at which it is occurring. But there is nothing inevitable about our self-destructive behavior. Not only could we dramatically reduce our burden on the air, water and other natural systems, we could make money doing so. If we’re smart, we could make restoring the environment the biggest economic enterprise of our time, a huge source of jobs, profits and poverty alleviation.
What we need is a Global Green Deal: a program to renovate our civilization environmentally from top to bottom in rich and poor countries alike. Making use of both market incentives and government leadership, a 21st century Global Green Deal would do for environ-mental technologies what government and industry have recently done so well for computer and Internet technologies: launch their commercial takeoff.
Getting it done will take work, and before we begin we need to understand three facts about the reality facing us. First, we have no time to lose. While we’ve made progress in certain areas–air pollution is down in the U. S.–big environmental problems like climate change, water scarcity and species extinction are getting worse, and faster than ever. Thus we have to change our way profoundly–and very soon.
Second, poverty is central to the problem. Four billion of the planet’s 6 billion people face deprivation inconceivable to the wealthiest 1 billion. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that the bottom two-thirds of humanity will strive to improve their lot. As they demand adequate heat and food, not to mention cars and CD players, humanity’s environmental footprint will grow. Our challenge is to accommodate this mass ascent from poverty without wrecking the natural systems that make life possible.
Third, some good news: we have in hand most of the technologies needed to chart a new course. We know how to use oil, wood, water and other resources much more efficiently that we do now. Increased efficiency–doing more with less–will enable us to use fewer resources and produce less pollution per capita, buying us the time to bring solar power, hydrogen fuel cells and other futuristic technologies on line.
Efficiency may not sound like a rallying cry for environmental revolution, but it packs a financial punch. As Joseph J. Romm reports in his book Cool Companies, Xerox, Compaq and 3M are among many firms that have recognized they can cut their green-house-gas emissions in half–and enjoy 50% and higher returns on investment–through improved efficiency, better lighting and insulation and smarter motors and building design. The rest of us (small businesses, homeowners, city governments, schools) can reap the same benefits.
Super-refrigerators use 87% less electricity than older, standard models while costing the same (assuming mass production) and performing better, as Paul Hawken and Amory and L. Hunter Lovins explain in their book Natural Capitalism (see Winter 2000 Trimtab). In Amsterdam the headquarters of ING Bank, one of Holland’s largest banks, uses one-fifth as much energy per square meter as a nearby bank, even though the buildings cost the same to construct. The ING center boasts efficient windows and insulation and a design that enables solar energy to provide much of the building’s needs, even in cloudy Northern Europe.
Examples like these lead even such mainstream voices as AT&T and Japan’s energy planning agency, NEDO, to predict that environmental restoration could be a source of virtually limitless profit. The idea is to retrofit our farms, factories, shops, houses, offices and everything inside them. The economic activity generated would be enormous. Better yet, it would be labor intensive; investments in energy efficiency yield two to 10 times more jobs than investments in fossil fuel and nuclear power. In a world where 1 billion people lack gainful employment, creating jobs is essential to fighting the poverty that retards environmental progress.
But this transition will not happen by itself–too many entrenched interests stand in the way. Automakers often talk green but make only token efforts to develop green cars because gas-guzzling sport-utility vehicles are hugely profitable. But every year the U. S. government buys 56,000 new vehicles for official use from Detroit. Under the Global Green Deal, Washington would tell Detroit that from now on the cars have to be hybrid-electric or hydrogen-fuel-cell cars. Detroit might scream and holler, but if Washington stood firm, carmakers soon would be climbing the learning curve and offering the competitively priced green cars that consumers say they want.
We know such government pump-priming works; it’s why so many of us have computers today. America’s computer companies began learning to produce today’s affordable systems during the 1960s while benefiting from subsidies and guaranteed markets under contracts with the Pentagon and the space program. And the cyber-boom has fueled the biggest economic expansion in history.
The Global Green Deal must not be solely an American project, however. China and India, with their gigantic populations and ambitious development plans, could by themselves doom everyone else to severe global warming. Already, China is the world’s second largest producer of greenhouse gases (after the U.S.). But China would use 50% less coal if it simply installed today’s energy-efficient technologies. Under the Global Green Deal, Europe, America and Japan would help China buy these technologies, not only because that would reduce global warming but also because it would create jobs and profits for workers and companies back home.
Governments would not have to spend more money, only shift existing subsidies away from environmentally dead-end technologies like coal and nuclear power. If even half the $500 billion to $900 billion in environmentally destructive subsidies now offered by the world’s governments were redirected, the Global Green Deal would be off to a roaring start. Governments need to establish “rules of the road” so that market prices reflect the real social costs of clear-cut forests and other environmental abominations. Again, such a shift could be revenue neutral. Higher taxes on, say, coal burning would be offset by cuts in payroll and profits taxes, thus encouraging jobs and investment while discouraging pollution. A portion of the revenues should be set aside to assure a just transition for workers and companies now engaged in inherently antienvironmental activities like coal mining.
All this sounds easy enough on paper, but in the real world it is not so simple. Beneficiaries of the current system–be they U. S. corporate-welfare recipients, redundant German coal miners or cut-throat Asian logging interests–will resist. Which is why progress is unlikely absent a broader agenda of change, including real democracy: assuring the human rights of environmental activists and neutralizing the power of Big Money through campaign-finance reform.
The Global Green Deal is no silver bullet. It can, however, buy us time to make the more deep-seated changes–in our often excessive appetites, in our curious belief that humans are the center of the universe, in our sheer numbers–that will be necessary to repair our relationship with our environment.
None of this will happen without an aroused citizenry. But a Global Green Deal is in the common interest, and it is a slogan easily grasped by the media and the public. Moreover, it should appeal across political, class and national boundaries, for it would stimulate both jobs and business throughout the world in the name of a universal value: leaving our children a livable planet. The history of environmentalism is largely the story of ordinary people pushing for change while governments, corporations and other established interests reluctantly follow behind. It’s time to repeat that history on behalf of a Global Green Deal.
This article was first printed in Time Magazine’s Earth Day 2000 issue. Earth Images courtesy of Wernher Krutein.
Reposted from Buckminster Fuller Institute