Timothy Wilken
The truth is especially hard to believe if it requires that we take action—if it requires that we change. If humanity is to have a future, we must take action—we must change. If humanity is to have a future, we must believe the truth. Examination of the human condition today reveals little to no existence of synergic relationships. The only games in town are adversary or neutral. If we humans are to transcend our adversary and neutral pasts, we must change.
I believe with change a co-Operative human species can solve our human crisis—a co-Operative humans species can solve our human problems—a co-Operative human species can make the world work for everyone. But we must change. To prepare for that change we humans can learn much by studying all forms of life and how they are related. By studying the history and past developmental paths of other life forms, we can learn to understand our human predicament and plan a safe passage to our future—a safe passage through our human crisis.
If we are successful, we will discover that this is not the end times, but a time of transformation—in fact a new beginning. Transformation is an invention of life. It is a strategy that enables a life form to adapt to difficult realities.
Caterpillar & Butterfly
Let us examine the evolution of butterfly. When the mature gravid female butterfly deposits her eggs on the underside of a very particular leaf, the life cycle begins for a new butterfly. When an egg hatches a new caterpillar finds itself confronted with a world of green leaves and stems and only one purpose on its mind—to devour that tasty and delicious world. The caterpillar begins its seemingly endless task of ingesting all the plant carbohydrate within its reach. It appears as an eating machine, devouring all the leaves in its path. As it does this it bulks up, acquiring the necessary mass to sustain what must come next. The entomologist knows the caterpillar will need its mass to fuel its transformation from caterpillar to pupa and finally into butterflyhood.
The entomologist also knows that the transformation will result in an organism much more effectively adapted for survival. Prior to the transformation the organism as caterpillar is limited to live out its life on a single plant all within the radius of fifteen feet. After the transformation, the organism as butterfly can range thousands of miles traveling an entire continent. Transformation for the butterfly will result in enormous adaptability. However, the organism as caterpillar is oblivious to the power that awaits it. It spends its days at the mindless task of nonstop eating. The cells within the body of the caterpillar knowing even less.
As the time of transformation approaches, things begin to become more and more difficult for the caterpillar. The world of its birth once so rich with endless green leaves is now bare from the caterpillar’s own non-stop feeding. The plant that was the caterpillar’s whole world is now dying. The future seems bleak indeed. Then things get even worse. A strange malady strikes the caterpillar. Its body begins to stiffen and slow. And soon the power to crawl is lost and with it even the chance to find a new plant. Then, the caterpillar’s body becomes completely rigid and all power of movement is lost. To the cells within the body of the caterpillar it must certainly seem like the end times.
Of course the entomologist knows better. The cells within the caterpillar are not doomed. Once the transformation within the pupa is complete the cells will serve in new ways. Muscles that powered crawling on a single plant will now power flying over a continent.
The butterfly adapts to its environment much differently than the caterpillar. Future humans must adapt to their environments much differently than we do today.
I propose that the humans of today are like the cells within the caterpillar. That the present human crisis doesn’t mean that we are at the end of human evolution, but instead that we are near our own transformation to a much more co-Operative and powerful form of humanity. I believe that most of our fellow humans living today are oblivious to the power that awaits them in the future. The purpose of my writing is to inform the readers of the good news, and to provide a guide for safely navigating safe passage through our human crisis. If I am successful, the reader will discover that this is not the end times for the human species, but in fact a new beginning.
A New Beginning
Life discovered billions of years ago that the best method to escape the old ways, was to transcend them. To transcend means to change the rules. When you change the rules problems can become opportunities. To put away war, to put away conflict and indifference, we must change. We humans can change and United we can change our world.
Humans are Time-binders. Ours is the power to know and that knowledge grows without limits. If we remain in our childhood as a species, our conflict and indifference will continue injuring us until we eventually we produce such unlimited weapons that must by definition destroy us. If we are to enter our adulthood as a species we must put away childish things. We must put away the conflict of the adversary way. We must put away the indifference of the neutral way. And, we must put away not only nuclear weapons, but in fact we must put away all weapons. And then and only then will it truly be safe.
We do have the intelligence necessary to organize ourselves into a synergic community. If we kill our brother we can understand the effect on the community of man. Our actions are either responsible or irresponsible. We lost our innocence not with the bite of an apple in the Garden of Eden, but with a bite of our first kill on the African Savannah.
If we choose to act adversarially ours is not an act of innocence. We humans have choice—the ultimate choice — we can choose in time, space and energy.
We humans are part of a larger whole. We are a part of the community of humankind. Our time-binding power — the power to understand allows us to produce unlimited knowledge. If we use our knowledge to kill — if we use our knowledge the adversary way, we will produce unlimited weapons — we will produce unlimited death.
Looking Back
The Earth is believed to have formed four and one-half billion years ago. Life emerged ~3.4 billion years ago in our oceans in the form of simple plants — Energy-binders. About 700 million years ago, the first single celled animals — Space-binders emerged in the Earth’s oceans to join the Energy-binders.
The land plants first appeared ~400 million years ago, and the first land animals arose from the freshwater fish about 360 million years ago. These amphibians and later reptiles would be joined by the first mammals 200 million years ago. Approximately 65 million years ago, the giant reptiles became extinct, as the mammals flourished.
Approximately 12 million years ago we see the emergence of first primitive apelike mammals. The first man-like apes are seen ~4 million years ago, and recognizable humanity begins with the emergence of the genus Homo erectus — the first ape-like men between 1.5 and 2 million years ago.
Between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago, Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapiens — primitive man. Time-binding must have been present at this time, but we have no documentation for it. Modern man — Homo sapiens sapiens first appears ~90,000 years ago. Time-binding is first documented with sculptures dated at over 30,000 years old. Wall paintings and engravings have been found in more than 200 caves, largely in Spain and France, dating from 25,000 to 10,000 years ago. Written mathematics and language are not documented until ~3500BC. This is finally proof of the existence of Time-binding and coincides with the beginning of human ‘civilization’.
Gaining Some Perspective
Life has existed on Earth for ~3.4 billion years. If that time span were represented by a yearly calendar with the beginning of life occurring on January 1st, then humanity does not appear until one minute before midnight on December 31st.
We humans were born of Space-binding, and the Space-binding way of Adversity has dominated our lives for most of our history. If we mark our beginning with Homo erectus then that is nearly 2,000,000 years of Adversity. If we mark our beginning with Homo sapiens then it is 250,000 years of Adversity. Even if we wait and mark the beginning with Homo sapiens sapiens it is still 90,000 years of Adversity.
The first neutral mechanisms—money and local markets will not invented until 700 BC. We won’t see the creation of national markets until 1600 AD, and the institutionalization of Neutrality will not occur until 1776. And even today in 1999, while Neutrality is strongly present in the Western free world, the rest of the world—the majority of humanity still lives in Adversity.
By facing up to the truth
If we humans are to survive as a species let alone as individuals, we must give up the adversary way, we must put away plunder, we must reclaim the land and natural resources for the common good of all humanity.
We must help those who are the present adversary-neutral “winners”—those who “win” by just making money—to see what’s in it for them to give up the adversary-neutral mechanisms. Fortunately, there is something in it for them. Synergic mechanisms promise solutions to problems that cannot be solved in our present world no matter how powerful or rich you are. We must also put away our obsolete forms of government. They are tragically flawed with adversary-neutral mechanisms, and can not carry us safely into the future. And, finally, we must put away war, crime, and punishment.
If we humans choose to use our knowledge to heal and help each other—if we use our knowledge in the synergic way, we can produce unlimited tools—we can produce unlimited wealth and prosperity for all humans on planet Earth. Then, we can choose the future we want for we are time-binders.