Reposted from Leader to Leader. Dee Hock There was a time a few years back when for one brief moment the essence of leadership was crystal clear to me. Strangely, […]
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Reposted from Yes! Magazine David C. Korten “We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future.” (1) This truth has been burned […]
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Timothy Wilken The following is an excerpt from my dialogue with Arthur Noll on Our challenge at Sustainable CommUnity is to have an answer ready. If we can invent sustainable […]
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Reposted from Yes! Magazine Sarah Ruth van Gelder interviews Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is a physicist and an organic farmer, an instigator of India’s historic “tree-huggers” movement, and a renowned […]
Continue readingThe Finnish Way
Reposted from Yes! Magazine Hilkka Pietilä One day in the early 1990s a friend of mine—a long-term servant of the United Nations—bluntly remarked, “It is better, Hilkka, that you keep […]
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Thom Hartmann continues with his series on Early America and corporations. See his earlier articles: 1) America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party and 2) Time for Three Laws of […]
Continue readingTime for Three Laws of Corporations?
Timothy Wilken As I have discussed elsewhere, Isaac Asimov is most famous for his Robot stories. Asimov’s Robots were something very special. They could take any form, from a small […]
Continue readingIt’s All Downhill
As I explained on Monday, the old way of living is dying. Neutrality, which is based on Capitalism and the Great Market, is failing. We humans must now work together […]
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Timothy Wilken Co-Operation simply means working together. Synergic relationship becomes available to human individuals because of time-binding. Our ability to invent and to understand new ways of doing things creates […]
Continue readingOut of Sight
Reposted from Common Dreams. Michael Parenti The super rich, the less than 1 percent of the population who own the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth, go uncounted in most […]
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