Reposted from Co-Intelligence Institute. Tom Atlee Have you ever been in a stupid group made up of intelligent people? I mean, each person in the group is pretty smart and […]
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Reposted from Co-Intelligence Institute. Tom Atlee A wise person has perspective. They can see the big picture without losing sight of the small. They can see the part without losing […]
Continue readingThe Oil We Eat
Reposted from the February 2004 issue of Harper’s Magazine. Richard Manning “The secret of great wealth with no obvious source is some forgotten crime, forgotten because it was done neatly.” —Balzac […]
Continue readingNothing Simple about Nature
Reposted from ENN. David Suzuki People generally like simple answers. This happened, so this happened. Cause and effect. Simple. But nature doesn’t work that way. Just when we think we’ve […]
Continue readingNotes from a Seminar
I am currently reading Neale Donald Walsch’s Communion with God and The New Revelations. I highly recommend them. To give you a flavor of Walsh’s ideas, I found the following […]
Continue readingA Future Without Oil
Assuming we do nothing to prepare for the coming Fossil Fuel Depletion Crisis, we can expect very hard times ahead. Much harder than most of us can imagine. This morning’s […]
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On Monday we featured That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen and The Law Claude Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850). This morning he challenges us to envision a proper design […]
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As a scientist and time-binder, I know that if I sometimes see farther than my fellow humans, it is because I stand on the shoulders of Giants. One of those […]
Continue readingThat Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen
I was first introduced to the writings of the following author in 1974. I remember being impressed by how relevant his words were to the problems of that time. They seem no less relevant […]
Continue readingInternet Gift Economies
From First Monday. Kylie J. Veale Although the Internet started humbly as an educational resource based on free personal and organisational sharing, it is today a mixed economy of free […]
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