Timothy Wilken, MD Since the beginning of medicine, physicians have sought an understanding of the cause and definition of disease. They have not been very successful in finding either. A […]
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Timothy Wilken, MD Vincent wrote: Timothy, Thank you for posting your draft document describing an Organizational Tensegrity. Has anyone attempted to build an Organizational Tensegrity yet? I have a number […]
Continue readingThe Bottleneck
We have entered the Century of the Environment, in which the immediate future is usefully conceived as a bottleneck: science and technology, combined with foresight and moral courage, must see […]
Continue readingORTEGRITY – The Structure of Winning
Timothy Wilken Major Features Decision-Action Tensegrities utilizing: Decision heterarchy with synergic consensus and veto Action hierarchy with synergic negotiation Conflict free mechanism The Ortegrity is a system for organizing two […]
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Timothy Wilken, MD Time-binding is the power to understand—to observe and remember change over time. This power distinguishes humans from all other forms of life. We humans are Time-binders. Our human […]
Continue readingThe Root of the Problem
Jerry Mander, Debi Barker and David Korten Why Globalization Needs to be Thrown Out The IMF, World Bank and the WTO are pursuing what some have labeled “market fundamentalism,” an […]
Continue readingCapitalistic Era
Alfred Korzybski The immortal work done by Descartes, Newton and Leibnitz was to discover powerful methods for mathematics-the only fit language for expressing the laws of nature. Human Engineering will […]
Continue readingWhat is an Organizational Tensegrity?
Our bodies are organized as life tensegrities. It is this powerful tensegrity pattern that allows you and I to exist. It is the tensegrity pattern that allows for the organization […]
Continue readingThoughts on Human Nature
L. W. Nicholson Intelligence — The ability to learn and understand or to deal with new or trying situations—mental acuteness. My own definition: The ability to accept facts as a […]
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The collective term we humans use to describe what we value is “wealth”. IMPORTANCE —def—> The amount of wealth effected by an event compared to the total amount of wealth. […]
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