P2P Foundation—Timothy Wilken, MD writes: “Market is unsustainable, inefficient, and enormously destructive to the biosphere. And, it is failing. There will be no solutions from Big government or from Big […]
Continue readingFinancial Euphoria
Timothy Wilken What is coming next? Some of our wisest humans warn that we are rapidly approaching a negative turning point in our economy. This downturn will result in a […]
Continue readingRelax Into Wealth
I came across the following essay and thought you might enjoy it. Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher Would you like to receive more wealth from the Universe? Would you like […]
Continue readingWhat is Truth?
Fellow thinkers, the following essay is a mind stretcher. It may turn your concept of reality upside down. So you should pass on this one, if you are truly happy […]
Continue readingThe Future of Humanity
This a transcript of a talk given on November 8, 1974 by one of the brightest and funniest minds of the 20th Century. The lecturer was an American author and […]
Continue readingThe Healer’s Prayer
There is much wisdom to be found on our planet. Today’s author shares a choice piece with us. Reverend Doctor Dia Lynn During my Ordination of Ministers’ Ceremony on May […]
Continue readingDon’t Just Stand There, Grow Something!
Timothy Wilken Imagine you own a comfortable 3000 square foot home with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big family room, and a three car garage located on over an acre […]
Continue readingDo You Hear the Call?
StarChild Science—When asked, What was her inspiration for the Hear the Call Poster, Judy Wilken answered: When I was a small girl my grandfather would hoist me up onto his […]
Continue readingA Tensegrity Solar Collector
Timothy Wilken As a synergic scientist I am always delighted when I discover others making use of tensegrity. What is a tensegrity? Tensegrity is the pattern that results when push […]
Continue readingOut of Darkness
Today’s author shares his thoughts about his experience at the annual meeting of the New Urbanists in Atlanta, GA this week. Reposted from the author’s website. James Howard Kunstler If […]
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