Timothy Wilken
Human Intelligence results from the synergic relationship of two minds–the Space Mind and the Time Mind. Although they are NEVER separated in a normal human, we will separate them here in our scientific discussion to help us better understand. The Space Mind is a complete and powerful intelligence in its own right, and is found to exist autonomously in the animal mind.
As I describe the mechanisms of cognition, you will want to pause frequently, look around your environment and examine your own thinking. You like every normal human have a Space-Mind. Understanding this model is very relevant to understanding your own mind.
The Space Mind whether in animal or human is responsible for controlling the body in Space. The space-mind is the animal mind. If you look at advanced mammals and observe their behavior you will have an example of pure space mind thinking. Animals do not think in words. They think in images–pictures–and code those images with feelings. Our human Space Mind is no different, it thinks in images–pictures– and codes those pictures with feelings.
Recall from our earlier discussion, animals are the class of life called space-binders. The power of space-binding is mobility – the ability to move about in space. This is not the simple motion of plants. This is mobility – running, jumping, leaping, swinging, swimming, creeping, stalking, crawling, diving, and flying.
The space-binder moves towards a specific and attainable goal – water, food, a mate, shelter – and in any direction. The mobility of the space-binder is not just motion, it is controlled motion. The space-binder moves in search of food. For grazing animals the quest is continuous; for predators, occasional but more strenuous. And all animals are under constant threat from natural enemies. The animal, therefore, requires sense awareness – awareness of the space in which he lives. The space-binder uses his awareness to find food and to warn him of the approach of enemies. A deer may be motivated by thirst to go to a waterhole, but if it senses a lion, it will refrain. It must continuously evaluate conflicting stimuli and choose between alternatives, alternatives of pleasure or pain, alternatives of good space or bad space. Space-binders are aware of space, they are aware and they think, they think and they decide – constantly making controlled choices as to where and when to move.
Thinking for the space-binder is wholistic. The animals base their decisions on the whole situation. When the rabbit hears a sound in the thicket, he must react instantly, “fight or flight” and the decision must be made now, based on the whole situation. There is no time for analysis. Only wholistic thinking has the rapidity and flexibility to allow survival in the adversary world of space-binders.
Spatial intelligence allows the animal to move instantly towards good space – space that enables one to survive, and away from bad space – space that produces injury or death.
But the animals are not only space-binders, they also have some of the power of energy-binders. While they cannot transform solar energy directly into organic chemical energy, they can transform the tissues from the plants and animals they eat into organic chemical energy, they can also grow, and they can also organize energy.
To the fox who sees the rabbit, success at seizing this opportunity for a meal depends not just on his ability to know when and where to move, but also on his ability to control the energy which he will need to power his movement. He must have adequate energy stored so that he can release it at the proper moment to catch the rabbit. And the rabbit can only escape if it uses its knowledge of both space and energy effectively.
Adversity – the natural law of animals Adversary relationship originates on earth in the animal world. Earth supplies limited space for the animals. Space is finite. Good space is even more finite. It is very limited. There is only so much good water, so much good grazing land, so much good shelter, and so much good potential food. There is not enough to go around. The space-binders must compete for this limited amount of good space. They compete adversarialy. They compete by fighting and flighting. They compete by attacking and killing other space-binders. They compete by devouring the energy-binders.
Animal survival depends entirely on finding others to eat. The herbivores depend on finding plants to eat. The carnivores depend on finding other animals to eat. The animals inability to utilize sunlight to synthesize organic tissue means they must eat organic tissue. Animals survive by eating either plants or animals. Animals are completely dependent on other for survival. This fact makes animals the dependent class of life – dependent on other.
Imagine a fox chasing a rabbit, if the fox is quick enough, it will win a meal, at the expense of the rabbit who loses its life. On the other hand, if the rabbit is quicker, the fox loses a meal, and the rabbit wins its life. The animals live in an adversary world of losers and winners. This is a world of fighting and flighting – of pain and dying. To win in this world someone must lose. Winning is always at the cost of another.All animals, from the smallest insect to the largest whale are struggling to avoid losing – struggling to avoid being hurt.
CONFLICT –def–> The struggle to avoid loss – the struggle to avoid being hurt.
The animals must fight and flee to stay alive, and they do. Always ready at a moments notice to go tooth and nail to avoid losing – to avoid death. Losers/winners is the harshest of games. Winning is always at the cost of another’s life.
The loser tends to resist with all of its might occasionally prevailing by killing or wounding its attacker. So both parties can lose, turning the game – losers/winners into losers/losers.
If we analyze adversary relationships, we discover that individuals are less after the relationship. (1+1) < 2. In the animal world where the loser forfeits its life (1+1) = 1. Or in the end game of losers/losers, both adversaries may die in battle, then (1+1) = 0.
Adversity is completely natural in the animal world. It is the law of Nature for dependent live forms. It is the way of all animal life. The adversary way is not bad for the animals, it is Nature’s way.
The animals have acquired the ability to move voluntarily, but they lack the ability to understand their environment. Their inability to understand locks them into the adversary world.
It will help greatly to keep this evolutionary perspective as we begin to examine the Space Mind in greater depth.
Consciousness of the Outside World
Consciousness of the outside world begins with the Space-Mind. Awareness of that which is outside of me. This is where consciousness of the outside world begins.
The Space Mind perceives-constructs a multi-dimensional picture of the outside from its sense data–sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and codes these pictures with emotional feelings. These multi-dimensional emotionally encoded pictures are called PERCEPTS.
For the animal brain, as well as for the evolutionarily developed human Space Mind. The outside world is potentially a very dangerous place. There are some locations in the outside world that are safe. These are Good Space. There are some locations in the outside world that are dangerous. These are Bad Space. The Space Mind accomplishes SURVIVAL by moving the animal towards Good Space and away from Bad Space.
For the Space Mind, this outside world is place called WHERE. For every individual Space Mind, the center of this outside world is me. The outside world is all around me. It is that three dimensional space that surrounds me. All references to the outside world are locational references. If I am a rabbit being chased by a fox, then bad space is behind me. If I am a mouse being hunted by an barn owl, then bad space is above me. If am the fox chasing the rabbit, then good space is in front of me. If I am a water skater bug being stalked by a fish as I move on the surface of the pond, then bad space is below me.
For my Space Mind, the outside world is physical three dimensional space oriented in reference my location. Whatever is to be found in the outside world–this place called WHERE–will always have a location.
Objects–Wholistic Integrities
What might we find in this outside world? The Space Mind is a comparing station for SAMENESS. It seeks to identify what elements in the outside world of WHERE are the SAME.
The Space Mind examines the PERCEPT–the multi-dimensional picture encoded with emotional feelings–of the Outside world looking for “WHOLES”.
A “WHOLE” is that part of the outside world that moves together. Let’s examine a mother cat and her kittens.
For a baby animal with its baby Space Mind, mother is a “WHOLE”. As mother moves about in the outside world all parts of mother move together. Wherever you find mother, you will find her strong paws, her flicking tail, her warm tongue, her comforting purr and her delicious and nutritious milk filled teats.
Mother Cat=Paws=Tail=Tongue=Purr=Teats
From mother cat’s perspective, each kitten is a WHOLE–all of each kitten’s parts move together. She won’t find a kitten’s tail separate from the kittens paws and nose. There is a wholistic integrity.
Each kitten discovers that the “parts” that make up mom, always move through space together. If mom takes off hunting, her warm tongue and comforting purr go with her.
Wholes are enormously important to the Space Mind. The Space Mind is all evaluating for wholes. What is the same. Some moves in space together.
Stage for Survival
The stage for survival is here and now. This is where life takes place. Identifying wholes is important for survival. What is the same.
When mother cat sees a hairless tail sticking out of the grass, she knows that there is a delicious mouse attached to that tail.
When she hears a chirp noise, she knows a bird is close.
When she hears a loud bark, she instantly fears the dog and runs.
The space mind is an expert at identifying “wholes” within the sense data and locating those “wholes” in relationship to itself. It is critical that it moves toward Good Space and away from Bad Space. Knowing where is the first level of knowing.
Where in space are wholes I need for survival. Where in space are the wholes I need to avoid to survive. This level of knowing is two valued–good or bad–pleasure or pain.
The Space Mind associates the correlations into wholistic integrities and then determines where in space these wholistic integrities are in relation to the spacmind and this creates the first level of knowing which I call information.
Know Where = Information
Another way of defining Information is as Percepts and its Associates. Space Mind associates. What components are part of what wholes. What components are the same.
Comparing station for sameness. To the Space Mind, all parts of a whole are the same. They have the same value.
Mother Cat=Paws=Tail=Tongue=Purr=Teats
Tail=Mouse * sameness
Chirp=Bird wholes
Bark=Dog symmetrical
Information is the knowing necessary to answer the question: where do I go in space to survive. Information for the mother cat is: Where is the mouse or bird? Where does she go in space to feed herself? The open field by the house.
Information for a human child is: Where are the cookies and milk? Where does he go in space to feed himself? The cabinet and refrigerator in the kitchen.
Space-Associative Thinking is 2-valued. Information is two valued. it leads to good space or bad space. Good space is pleasurable. Bad Space is painful. In good Space, I survive. In Bad Space, I die.
Information is the knowing that evolved in the world of adversity. If I know where to go. I will survive. If I don’t know where to go than by choices are directed by chance.
The opposite of information is chance. If you don’t know where to go, you have to take a chance. I am looking for a particular gift. I don’t know if this store has it. I will have to go in and take a chance I will find it.
We will now examine the first level of human knowing. This level is produced by the Space Mind.