From Industrial Age to Information Age

A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men every­where are trying to suppress it.” -Alvin Toffler

Barry Carter

When we step back and look at what is occurring with the transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age we see a shift from bureaucracy and a win/lose wealth creation system controlled by a few people to win/win tribal economies for the Information Age where the individual has great liberty and abundance.  Today there are groups and people on the leading edge of the shift.  This is a brief update of the status:

Cedar Mountain Drums:  I spent the last ten days in Portland Oregon working with Patrick Pinson of Cedar Mountain Drums.  As of January 1 2002 Cedar Mountain Drums became a Mass Privatization business with no employees.  Employees were given the opportunity to convert to empowered owning interdependent business partners.  None accepted.  When you decide to convert your business to a Information Age community you can expect that few co-dependent employees will stick around.  The likelihood that the employer and employees are ready to give up co-dependent work relationships at the same time is pretty unlikely.  New partners are now coming on board to produce standard Cedar Mountain Drums products and as well as develop new products.

If you have a present product or service or even an idea of one, that may fit with the spirit-in-business work at Cedar Mountain Drums, then please contact myself or Patrick Pinson. Cedar Mountain Drums gets 3000 hits per day on its web site for people looking for spiritual tools. That’s a lot of hits and can help us all offer our own gifts to the world. Cedar Mountain Drums has its first Mass Privatization business unit. Dr. Anne Kelty has reached an agreement with Patrick to offer high quality herbs through Cedar Mountain Drums creating the first Mass Privatization teamnet business unit. She will also be operating her Naturopathic practice out of the Cedar Mountain Drums facility in addition to her on-line practice. Several other business units are being considered.

We have created a yahoo group where we are performing the transitional work of Cedar Mountain Drums.If you are interested in joining go to Yahoo and search on Cedar Mountain Drums or Cedar Mountain.

Update 12:30 PM, PST: More good news to report.  While in Portland a lady from the prison system came to visit Patrick to ask if he would donate a drum or drums to the Native American prisoners at Santiam Correctional Institution.  We communicated to her that we were interested in working with the prisoners with a gift economy system that we are establishing at Cedar Mountain Drums. With this system the prisoners would make items with spirit and gift these into the Cedar Mountain Drums gift network. They could then reach into the network and take out items that they can have in prison.

We communicated that just giving drums into the old win/lose system keeps us trapped in co-dependent relationships and helps nobody long term. In fact it continues us on a path towards lose/lose.  With the prison gift system we believe that wealth creation becomes a healing experience for the prisoners where everyone wins.

New Civilization Network: The New Civilization Network is booming with growth these days with 7000 members. Flemming Funch is adding many new features to allow us to collaborate together to create the new civilization. Joining it free and stay up with the latest news regarding the emerging new civilization and also participate in creating the new civilization.

Lose/Lose Barbarians are at the Gate: Infinite Wealth was published in 1999 and written between 1992 and 1996. It predicted the current shift to lose/lose terrorism and shows that things will get far worst unless we shift to the new all win economy and civilization. On February 1, 2002 United States Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted to the nation and the world that we are in fact shifting into a lose/lose world, ìin the years ahead it is likely that we will be surprised again by new adversaries who may also strike in unexpected ways. And as they gain access to weapons of increasing power – and let there doubt that they are – the attacks will grow vastly more deadly than those we suffered several months ago.” The losers of the Industrial Age are definitely gaining access to more deadly weapons as the Knowledge Era shifts power into the individual’s hands from countries and corporations. Please see chapters 8 and 9 of Infinite Wealth to understand why this is happening and how to end the shift to lose/lose.

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My Book: Infinite Wealth