Timothy Wilken
community –> commUnity –> Common Unity
We humans must become much more efficient and economical. As a synergic scientist, my focus is on finding solutions that work for Humanity as Community as well as Humanity as Individuals.
Synergy means working together—creating together as in Co-Creation—laboring together as in Co-Laboration—acting together as in Co-Action and operating together as in Co-Operation. The goal of synergic union is to accomplish a larger or more difficult task by working together than can be accomplished by working separately.
If we humans are going to work together, we must have powerful and easy to use tools for communication, consensus and exchange. This is what I think is the real promise of the two way web.
Napster showed us that millions of individuals could have their lives enriched by simply sharing music. I would suggest that there are many other things we might share that could be just as enriching.
Instead of seeking to create the next killer app in order to make money, how can we use our evolving technology and knowledge to create tools that facilitate our working together.