Ways to strengthen local, community, state, national or regional economies by Win Wenger, Ph.D. I hereby suggest five ways in which a local, community, state, national or regional economy can […]
Continue readingCategory: Future Positive
”Always tell only the truth, and all the truth, and do so promptly right now.” -Buckminster Fuller
World Oil Forecast #6
Richard Duncan ABSTRACT: World Oil Forecast #6 concludes the following: (1) 23 out of 44 nations [representing 99% of world oil production in 2000] have passed their production peaks, (2) […]
Continue readingIntroducing Reason Reviews
Timothy Wilken My daughter, Reason Wilken, is home from college. Reason is a 2001 honors graduate of UCLA with a BS degree in Biochemistry. She is currently considering her future. […]
Continue readingCrisis: Danger and Opportunity
Timothy Wilken CRISIS – The Chinese word for crisis is written by joining two ideograms together. These two ideograms, when joined together, make up the Chinese word crisis. When these […]
Continue readingPossessions are not necessarily property
Timothy Wilken The possession of an object does not mean that the possessor has a moral or rational claim to ownership of the object. The political, economic, and social structures […]
Continue readingEra of Community
David Korten writes: “Having reached the limits of an Era of Empire humanity is now compelled to make a conscious collective choice to live into being a new human Era […]
Continue readingWhat to Do When Corporations Rule the World
an interview with David C. Korten by Sarah Ruth van Gelder A few jaws dropped among the young activists at a training camp outside Seattle where preparations for the WTO […]
Continue readingThe Hidden Commons
Jonathan Rowe My wife grew up in what western experts call, not without condescension, a “developing” country. The social life of her village revolved largely around a tree. People gathered […]
Continue readingCommunity = Common Unity community
Timothy Wilken community –> commUnity –> Common Unity We humans must become much more efficient and economical. As a synergic scientist, my focus is on finding solutions that work for Humanity […]
Continue readingYou Are Going To Die!
Timothy Wilken John and Bob, two friends from the city, were hiking in the wilderness. They both were new to hiking and so as newbies often do stumbled into trouble. John had […]
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