Timothy Wilken Tensegrity is the pattern that results when push and pull have a win-win relationship with each other. The pull is continuous and the push is discontinuous. The continuous […]
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”Always tell only the truth, and all the truth, and do so promptly right now.” -Buckminster Fuller
Reason Reviews: My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
by Reason Wilken The Gorilla From Another Angle My Ishmael is a sequel to the original novel, and reveals another side of the philosophizing gorilla that author Daniel Quinn’s readers […]
Continue readingOne Song Can Spark a Moment
Author Unknown ONE One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a […]
Continue readingGo Be Reconciled With Thy Brother
Timothy Wilken Happy Holidays!! In his sermon on the mount, Jesus of Nazareth taught: “Love our enemies, do good to them that hate us, bless them that curse us, and […]
Continue readingCo-Operative Trusts
Timothy Wilken Introduction and Rationale Today, most humans solve their problems as individuals or at best as nuclear families. They meet their individual needs with individual actions. At best they […]
Continue readingThe Heurisms of Human Synergetics
N. Arthur Coulter, MD As every schoolboy knows, geometry is based on a number of fundamental statements called axioms and postulates. Indeed, all of mathematics is so based. These were […]
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N. Arthur Coulter, MD A science of synergy has tremendous implications for mankind. From the standpoint of the individual, it will enable him to turn on the synergic mode whenever […]
Continue readingSingularity is More Radical Than We Think
Michael A. Bukatin The concept of Technological Singularity was introduced by Vernor Vinge. Scientists are divided on whether the full-scale artificial intelligence is possible. Let’s presume for this scenario, that […]
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Vernor Vinge The acceleration of technological progress has been the central feature of this century. I argue in this paper that we are on the edge of change comparable to […]
Continue readingModes of Thinking
N. Arthur Coulter, MD One of the basic ideas of human synergetics is the Mode Ladder.This idea was inspired by Hughling Jackson’s concept of “levels of function” in the human […]
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