This is the prepared text of a speech that was delivered on August 28th, 2008 in Denver, Colorado. Watch the Video. Barack Obama With profound gratitude and great humility, I […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
To Be or Not To Be: Morality, Mortality and Immortality
The author of the following wise words has worked for humanity most of his life. He is 87 years young. Bill Ellis The Gaian paradigm has implications to our belief […]
Continue readingPeak Oil & Modern Medicine
The following is a letter from a practicing physician to James Howard Kunstler. James Barson, MD I am an Australian anaesthesiologist and the health sector working group convener of the […]
Continue readingThinking about Altruism
Caitlin Costello “We are all here on earth to help others. What I can’t figure out is what the others are here for.” —W. H. Auden Whether we are here […]
Continue readingA Season for Nonviolence: 64 Ways in 64 Days
These principles for non-violence were adopted for the first “Season for Non-violence” in 1998. They were inspired by the works of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. You may like […]
Continue readingA Lesson about Raspberry Jam
John Michael Greer In the southern Oregon town where I live, Tuesday is the day of the weekly growers market, and so yesterday, as we do nearly every Tuesday between […]
Continue readingCoal and Climate
Richard Heinberg Recent reports on global coal reserves, surveyed in previous chapters, generally point to the likelihood of supply limits appearing relatively soon—within the next two decades. According to this […]
Continue readingMondragon: The Loving Society That Is Our Inevitable Future
This article was originally published in a 2002 edition of World Affairs: The Journal of International Issues. The article discusses the very special co-Operative community of Mondragon, Spain. Beginning this […]
Continue readingLiving Without Plastic
Christine Jeavans I am giving up plastic for the whole of August. By this I mean not buying or accepting anything which contains plastic or is packaged in plastic. So, […]
Continue readingPutting the “Federal” Back in the Federal Reserve
I met Dr. Ellen Brown at the unMoney Convergence in April of this year. She is an astute observer of our economic crisis. The following article is reposted from The […]
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