Charles Eisenstein Suppose you give me a million dollars with the instructions, “Invest this profitably, and I’ll pay you well.” I’m a sharp dresser—why not? So I go out onto […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Saving the Economy, One Furnace at a Time
Paul Rogat Loeb Like most Americans, I’m guarding my dollars, but when my furnace died during Seattle’s coldest winter in decades, I needed to replace it. And when I did, […]
Continue readingSOCIETY OF SLOTH: A Thought Experiment
The truth is especially hard to believe if it requires that we take action—if it requires that we change. If humanity is to have a future, we must take action—we […]
Continue readingPrescription for Survival
As we enter the CRISIS of 2009, we best learn how to live in a sustainable manner. The following prescription for survival was left for humanity to use or ignore. […]
Continue readingBorrowing from Peter to pay Paul
Reposted from the author’s website Web of Debt. Ellen Brown Bernie Madoff showed us how it was done: you induce many investors to invest their money, promising steady above-market returns; […]
Continue readingTime for a World Government?
Gideon Rachman I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above […]
Continue readingSustainable Government
Wise woman Ellen Brown explains that building a positive future will depend on creating a sustainable government that is founded on reality based principles. Reposted from YES! Magazine. Ellen Brown […]
Continue readingToo Late
Alder Fuller, of Eugena Academy, says this is one of the most important news stories published in 2008 and he urges everyone to read it. … Reposted from the December […]
Continue readingClasses of LIfe
Alfred Korzybski (writing in 1921) The problems to be dealt with in this chapter are exceedingly important. To classify phenomena correctly, they must be correctly analysed and clearly defined. For […]
Continue readingThe Truth about Bailouts
Peter Schiff As the Federal bailout bonanza prepares to spread beyond the mortgage and financial sectors to fill Detroit’s depleted coffers, few economic or policy analysts have spared a thought […]
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