Big Gav Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller was an American architect, author, designer, futurist, inventor and visionary who devoted his life to answering the question “Does humanity have a chance to survive […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
The Politics of Economic Disaster
Immanuel Wallerstein Every day, I read another economist, journalist, or government official opining on how best to achieve economic recovery in this country or that. Needless to say, the remedies […]
Continue readingFinancial Stability and Recovery
The following is the full text of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s announcement on Tuesday of new steps to shore up the U.S. financial system. Timothy Geithner As President Obama said […]
Continue readingToo Many Humans
The following article is re-posted from the blog: The foolish pursuit of Economic Growth. Brishen Hoff Unless earth is hit by a massive meteor, we will be vastly overpopulated for […]
Continue readingFacing Our Limits
Rex Weylar The year 2009 will witness a tsunami of appeals to economists to fix, as disgraced Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan put it, the “flaw” in their thinking. Most […]
Continue readingFixing the Global Crisis
The following transcript is from a speech delivered on January 28, 2009 at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Reposted from the Wall Street Journal […]
Continue readingOur Final Century: A Book Review
Martin Rees is a professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics and Matter at the University of Cambridge and holds the honorary title of Astronomer Royal. He is the author and co-author […]
Continue readingCredit Where Credit Is Due: Fixing the Credit Crisis
Crisis of 2009 is the result of the failure of Neutral Market Organization. Today’s featured author helps us to understand why our banks no longer work, and suggests some changes […]
Continue readingTime for a new way forward
An Inaugural Address on January 20, 2009 Washington, D.C. President Barack Obama I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful […]
Continue readingNo More Bananas
Johann Hari Below the headlines about rocketing food prices and rocking governments, there lays a largely unnoticed fact: bananas are dying. The foodstuff, more heavily consumed even than rice or […]
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