Why we are giving away major inventions totally free! by Win Wenger, Ph.D. Come along as we perform a little thought experiment. Let us imagine that there exist two distinct […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Towards a Gift Economy
Ways to strengthen local, community, state, national or regional economies by Win Wenger, Ph.D. Reportedly, several major cities in the northeastern United States, among them Ithaca, New York, have used […]
Continue readingFacing the Truth
Timothy Wilken Neutral organization and neutral government are failing. The richest nation in the world – The United States of America is bankrupt. The United States of America was created in […]
Continue readingFive-Fold Path towards a Robust Economy
Ways to strengthen local, community, state, national or regional economies by Win Wenger, Ph.D. I hereby suggest five ways in which a local, community, state, national or regional economy can […]
Continue readingArthur Noll on Crisis
Arthur Noll Yes, this is a problem. People also look at how gasoline prices fell this summer, and how blackouts were avoided, and think that the basic problems are under […]
Continue readingA Sense of Crisis
Timothy Wilken Today, an individual on one of the energy lists wrote: “It seems that people act only when they are hit with a crisis. The US public hasn’t been hit […]
Continue readingWorld Oil Forecast #6
Richard Duncan ABSTRACT: World Oil Forecast #6 concludes the following: (1) 23 out of 44 nations [representing 99% of world oil production in 2000] have passed their production peaks, (2) […]
Continue readingIntroducing Reason Reviews
Timothy Wilken My daughter, Reason Wilken, is home from college. Reason is a 2001 honors graduate of UCLA with a BS degree in Biochemistry. She is currently considering her future. […]
Continue readingCrisis: Danger and Opportunity
Timothy Wilken CRISIS – The Chinese word for crisis is written by joining two ideograms together. These two ideograms, when joined together, make up the Chinese word crisis. When these […]
Continue readingThinking About the Commons
Arthur Noll I was looking through links on this web site, and came across this verse about the commons that used to be, well, common. They hang the man and […]
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