CommUnity of Minds—Speaking in 1957, Admiral Hyman Rickover explained: We live in what historians may some day call the Fossil Fuel Age. Today coal, oil, and natural gas supply 93% […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Energy Resources and Our Future
Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover is known as the father of the nuclear submarine. He was also instrumental in getting the United States started using nuclear power to generate electricity. He […]
Continue readingAmerica 2.0
Last week, I gave you a current report on Peak Oil from the peanut gallery. Now let’s get it from the horse’s mouth. … Jay Hanson has some interesting thoughts […]
Continue readingMeet a Great Teacher!
Timothy Wilken I am currently studying the teachings of Marc Gafni who I first heard speak in June of this year. I soon purchased two of his books: SoulPrints and […]
Continue readingThinking Together
If you think working together is a powerful form or co-Operation, what until you try thinking together. The following essay is reposted from Integral Enlightenment. Craig Hamilton and Claire Zammit, […]
Continue readingWhy Market Is Obsolete
Change is coming. The old system is failing. A new system is emerging. Market will disappear soon. It will be replaced by GIFTegrity. Imagine a world without Buyers and Sellers—a […]
Continue readingOriginal Sin
We humans have made some large mistakes in our history. Right now, we are facing a perfect storm of crises. The important consideration is not to waste a moment of […]
Continue readingReality Receding
James Howard Kunstler writes: Now that everybody in the USA, from the janitors in their man-caves to the president addressing congress, has declared the “recession” over, is exactly the moment […]
Continue readingSick and Wrong
Long time reader Dexter Graphic recommends this morning’s article. This is reposted from September 3, 2009 edition of Rolling Stone Magazine. Matt Taibbi How Washington is screwing up health care […]
Continue readingCapitalist China
The Huffington Post—Ellen Brown writes: China is being called a “miracle economy.” It seems to have decoupled from the rest of the world, preserving an 8% growth rate while the […]
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