Sheila Newman I wanted to point out an error in one of Caldwell’s statements. He said that “Even countries such as the US that have achieved very high levels of […]
Continue readingCategory: CommUnity of Minds
We each view reality from our own unique perspective, only a community of minds can show us the truth.
Reason Reviews: THE WEB OF LIFE by Fritjof Capra
by Reason Wilken A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems The book Web of Life is an attempt to synthesize philosophies from various areas of science into a coherent plan […]
Continue readingDid you know…
Joseph George Caldwell 1. Mankind’s large population and high level of industrial activity is exterminating 30,000 species a year (see an abstract of E. O. Wilson´s The Field Guide to the […]
Continue readingTaking Action – Changing
Timothy Wilken The truth is especially hard to believe if it requires that we take action—if it requires that we change. If humanity is to have a future, we must […]
Continue readingDenial and the Psychology of Climate Apathy
By George Marshall My first real exposure to the issue of climate change was reading a newspaper article in the Sydney Morning Herald in 1988 by a leading Australian climatologist. […]
Continue readingWho is Dean Kamen?
Timothy Wilken Dean Kamen is an inventor, an entrepreneur and a tireless advocate for science and technology. His roles as inventor and advocate are intertwined—his own passion for technology and […]
Continue readingThe Failure of the Pilgrim Experiment—another look
Arthur Noll In an earlier article, the Pilgrim and Jamestown experience that led to our American Thanksgiving holiday was discussed. In part, it was said and I quote: The history of […]
Continue readingWhy do we need IT!
Timothy Wilken I am very excited about Dean Kamen’s new invention. When word first leaked of the existence of a new transportation device this past April, excitement flared up with […]
Continue readingBeyond War
Andrew J. Galambos “Humans develop evermore powerful knowledge and therefore evermore powerful tools. When tools are used to harm other humans they are called weapons. Since human knowledge can grow […]
Continue readingIsaac Asimov Saw It All
Joseph George Caldwell The thesis of my book Can America Survive? is that when fossil fuels deplete (over the next few decades), the global human population of Earth will drop […]
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