A Future Without Money

Timothy Wilken writes: This morning a reader asks: Do you believe in a future without any form of money? … I think we could do better than money. We would still need to exchange help in the form of goods and services, but certainly we could do it in a better way. I have designed a gifting tensegrity as a synergic mechanism for the exchange of human help. Let us begin by describing how a GIFTegrity might be structured and how it could work. Every member of a synergic help tensegrity would participate in two roles. That as a giftor and that as a giftee. The continuous pull of the giftees’ needs are balanced by the discontinuous push from the giftors’ offers  of help. Again we see as an INTERdependent life form, there will be times when we will help others and times when others will help us. The GIFTegrity works on trust. I give help to those in need and trust that when I am in need there will be those who will give me help. (09/08/02)