Timothy Wilken
I find myself frustrated with those immigrants who desire the benefits of living in America, but are unwilling to bother learning our language. If learning English is a burden that they refuse to shoulder, how much can we expect them to know about our American values, our history and culture? In a synergic society, all citizens work together. That means they must be able to communicate clearly with each other, and just as importantly understand each other. Working together requires a common language, common values and a working knowledge of our history. I expect a synergic society would be very open to immigration, but those immigrating would be required within a relatively short period to learn the language, take classes in society mores, values, and history, and pass exams to demonstrate they understand. Special schools could be created just for this purpose. This would have the additional benefit of giving community an opportunity to get to know and examine these prospective citizens. This educational process should be a helpful screen for terrorists. Any immigrant stopped in the public space could be required to show proof of currently enrollment in such a school and/or evidence of graduation from the same.