Public safety is paramount. No human has the right to injure another human with an
adversary action. Once such an event has occurred and you are found responsible you
may be monitored and your freedom restricted until such time as the Life Trust
Guardians have determined that you are safe without monitoring or restriction.
someone else in the future with another adversary action, then the Life Trust Guardians
and the specific Officers involved in your release
share responsibility with you
for the
adversary event. They are held accountable for failure to protect the public.
In a synergic culture, humans found responsible for adversary actions even terrible
adversary actions are not criminals. They are not felons. They are not punished. But they
contained. Life Trust Guardians will utilize the most advanced containment
technology available — this could include implanted transponders and continuous
monitoring systems.
families. Even when incarcerated to the extent possible their lives will be normalized.
dehumanizing that we create more danger and risk for ourselves in our misguided
attempt to control danger and risk. I have paraphrased a description by R. D. Laing of
mental patients in today’s society to emphasize this point:
legal status as human agent and responsible person to someone no longer in
possession of his own definition of himself, unable to retain his own possessions,
precluded from the exercise of his discretion as to whom he meets, what he does.
His time is no longer his own and the space he occupies is no longer of his
choosing. After being subjected to a degradation ceremonial known as criminal
trial, he is bereft of his civil liberties and imprisoned in an institution known as a
correctional facility. There he is completely invalidated as a human being.”8
prison. Our present system charged with the public safety is not only failing to protect us
from existing criminal behavior, but is itself making the situation much worse by creating
evermore dangerous criminals.
and safety of the individuals responsible for adversary events will be
to the
needs and safety of humanity as community.
The United States prison and jail population was approximately 1.75 million by the end of
1997. It has been growing at a rate of ~7% annual average since 1990. If this growth
continues the prison and jail population will top 2 million by 2001. The total U.S.
incarceration rate of 645 people per 100,000 is six times to 10 times higher than most
industrial nations. The only nation with a higher rate is Russia.
Americans presently incarcerated plus those found responsible for new serious and/or
dangerous adversary events.
from synergic humanity so those
responsible for adversarily events can live as close to normal lives as possible while they
are undergoing rehabilitation and completing required educational programs.
endangering their fellow humans.
Imagine a large rehabilitation containment community structured within concentric
circles. The highest security would exist within the central circle. As you moved outward
from the center the level of security would diminish and level of freedom for those
contained would increase.
R. D. Laing, M.D.,
Quoted by Fritjof Capra, Uncommon Wisdom—Conversations with
Remarkable People, Bantam New Age Books, New York, 1989
labeled 7 would be highest security-lowest freedom for containees.
Specialists including Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Rehabilitationists, and
Maximum Security Containment Officers.
behavior they could migrate outward to the next containment zone. Each zone would
require further treatment and education, and continuing observation. Only when a
contained individual has demonstrated successful adaptation within a zone for a
prescribed period of time could they migrate outward to the next level.
seven would be 100% secure with no freedom or responsibility. Zone one would be very
minimally secure the containees experiencing nearly full freedom and high responsibility.
example if minimum time in zone 7 was three years and two years in every other zone. The
minimal time of containment for such an event would be 15 years.
at every zone with no adversarily behavior for 15 years. Then and only then would they be
eligible for release back into human society. And if they could not demonstrate that they
were cured, they would never be released.
illness that endangers others. You only get a release if you are well and are no longer a
threat to public safety.