is a fundamental ‘knowing’ derived from the
Principle of Non-Allness.
first corollary
of that principle — the Principle of Innocence
is an even more
important extension of our human ‘knowing’. If we understand that all errors are
committed in innocence, then how we treat those who err will change forever.
could those behind the murder of 5000+
thousand innocents themselves be innocent?
reaction ending in an adversary
resultant or
learned by Japan and Germany by the end of World War II. They to have wakened the
sleeping Giant. Their acts will not make the world better and safer for themselves or for
those they claim to represent. They don’t know that the end never justifies the means. In
fact, the means always end up becoming the ends.
eye, and a tooth for a tooth, ends up with no winners only losers in a modern world with
high technology and knowledge.
the public safety. Unfortunately, adversary processing results only in pain and no
learning. The war on crime has been lost and always will be lost. Adversary behavior
cannot be stopped with adversary behavior. The means always become the ends. The
abolition of crime will require the abolition of punishment.
system than like our present day law enforcement agencies. Our immune system operates
within our body, it must eliminate foreign viruses, bacteria, and other microbes without
injuring the normal cells of the body. Our immune system is also responsible for
monitoring healthy cells and detecting any signs that those cells are degenerating into
cancer cells.
It was Nobel Laurate Peter Medawar who first suggested that cancer occurs continuously
in all living systems. Every organism produces cancer cells probably several times a day.
This happens because the body is continually being re-manufactured — most cells die
and are replaced by new cells over and over again. The blueprint our body uses for the re-
manufacturing of new cells is stored as code in our DNA. DNA unfortunately can be
damaged by oxidation and/or aging. As DNA becomes damaged, it no longer creates
healthy cells sometimes it produces cancer cells. Any cell that is damaged to the point that
it loses its identification with the body is a called a cancer cell. A cancer cell functions like
a foreign microbe — it reproduces itself without concern for the damaging effect it has on
a body it no longer recognizes. A breast cancer is just a damaged breast cell that no longer
recognizes the body or its role in the body. It reproduces making damaged breast tissue
where ever it goes. If some breast cancer cells break off of the tumour and float away in the
blood stream, if they lodge in the brain or liver, they will make more breast tissue in the
brain or liver.
cells. Whenever the immune system detects cancer cells it destroys them. This model is
called the Surveillance Theory of Cancer Containment.
signal to the surveillance cell. Yes, I am of the body. If this mechanism fails — if for some
reason a cancer cell goes undetected, if the immune system fails in its role of surveillance
and containment. Then the undetected cancer cell begins reproducing and forms a cancer
known that stress — psychological, emotional, and physical — suppresses the
body’s immune system and, at the same time, leads to hormonal imbalances that
result in an increased production of abnormal cells. The image of cancer as a
powerful invader that strikes the body from outside is wrong. The cancer cell is
not a powerful cell; it is a weak and damaged cell. it does not invade; it pushes
out of the way — and it is not capable of attacking. Cancer cells are big, but they
are sluggish and confused.”7
of the body’s physiology or anatomy, and disrupt some vital function. Cancer cells are not
bad or evil, they are simple damaged cells that are ignorant of their appropriate
relationship with the body.
ignorant of the appropriate relationship they could have with their fellow humans. In the
future a synergic mechanism to contain and eliminate adversary events will function
much like an immune system.
protect the body as a whole as well as to protect the body as cells. This means monitoring
all the cells in the body for abnormal behavior. If a damaged cell deteriorates into a cancer
cell it must be destroyed. Our immune system must also eliminate or contain foreign
viruses, bacteria, and other microbes without injuring the normal cells of the body.
The Life Trust Guardianship will be entrusted with the public safety. It will utilize
synergic mechanism based on synergic morality to insure freedom from crime. This
synergic organization will act more like our body’s immune system, than like the law
Carl Simonton, M.D., Quoted by Fritjof Capra, Uncommon Wisdom—Conversations with
Remarkable People, Bantam New Age Books, New York, 1989
ignorance and not badness. Their focus will be on containment of adversary events
followed by education and rehabilitation of those responsible, and then on prevention of
future events.
community as well as humanity as individuals. The Rule of Public Safety
is that no
human should be allowed to deliberately injure another human
— that all adversary
actions should ideally
be prevented and when not prevented quickly contained.
of all adversary events,
of all adversary events
to determine the causes and parties responsible,
when those suspected of adversary
actions claim innocence,
of those responsible for serious and dangerous
adversary events up to and including incarceration for long term
psychiatric and psychological treatment until they are found to be fully
recovered and no longer a threat to the public safety,
of those responsible for adversary events until they
possess the understanding and knowledge necessary to avoid such events
in the future,
from the responsible parties to repair to extent
possible the injuries that their adversary actions have caused, and
of future adversary events, by
monitoring and/or restricting personal freedom as appropriate to protect
the public
When an adversary event occurs and an injury is reported to the Life Trust Guardians, they
will dispense Containment Officers to the scene of the injury to analyze the adversary
event. Their first responsibility will be to contain the adversary event and eliminate any
risk of further injury. Depending on the nature and severity of the adversary event,
Containment Officers have the authority to take those suspected of adversary actions into
Officers, and if asked to enter into custody to do so voluntarily.
Containment Officers are required to protect themselves and the public. If a suspect
resists being taken into custody, the Containment Officers will utilize the most advanced
containment technology in every effort to avoid injury to the suspects, but if the suspects
resist, Containment Officers are authorized to use whatever level of force necessary to
insure public safety. This includes authorization to use deadly force. While our immune
system lacks any ability to repair or rehabilitate cancer cells, the Life Guardians should
have much greater success rehabilitating and educating adversarily behaving humans. As
humanity becomes more synergic and our knowledge of human psychology becomes
greater, the need for deadly force should become much less necessary.
Once the adversary event has been contained and the public safety assured, Life Trust
Guardians will assign Safety Scientists to investigate and scientifically analyze the
adversary event.
mistakes are caused by ignorance, the Safety Scientists will seek to determine what were
the causes of the mistakes that led to the adversary event, and what specifically needs to be
learned by the responsible parties to prevent further adversary events. It is also their
mission to determine who were the individuals responsible for the event.
directly into the Education and Restitution phase. Those individuals accused of adversary
action claiming innocence are entitled to a responsibility hearing.
This is an evidentiary process which includes the scientific interrogation of both the
alleged adversaries and the victims of the adversary event. The responsibility hearing
differs from a criminal trial in significant ways. First, the end result of the responsibility
hearing does not lead to punishment, it leads to education, rehabilitation, and restitution.
Secondly, it is not an adversarial procedure. There is no prosecutor and no defence. No
one is trying to hurt anyone in this process. The Responsibility Hearing is to determine the
safety of humanity as individuals.
Truth has a higher value then fairness.
Since no one is
going to be punished, all parties are required to tell the truth. No human has the right to
hurt another human. Public safety is paramount, and the truth will be the determining
any scientific techniques that are safe and effective. This could include hypnosis, lie
detector technology, drug augmented interrogation, and new technologies and techniques
not yet invented. In a synergic culture, you can be required to testify against yourself, or
your spouse. There are no privileged conversations between lawyers and clients because
there are no lawyers and clients. The truth will out. The purpose of the Fourth and Fifth
Amendments to the American Constitution were to protect Free and Independent Citizens
from an Adversary State. It was thought that if you could be made to testify against
yourself, you could be tortured to confess to crimes you did not commit. This of course
was true in an Adversary world with an Adversary State.
they cannot hurt others, and in fact must help others. This standard applies as well to the
Life Trust Guardianship’s Containment, Science, and Hearing Officers. If the officers of
the Life Trust Guardianship injure others in the course of their duties, they are subject to
the same rules of public safety and are %100 responsible for their actions. They cannot
torture anyone. They are also required to tell the truth and are also subject to scientific
interrogation if accused of hurting others.
today’s legal loop holes that allows dangerous committed criminals to be released back to
the public streets and have access to new victims. Once the Responsibility Hearing has
process can begin.
Adversary behavior in a synergic culture is viewed as a psychiatric disease or adversary
mental illness. Those responsible for dangerous and/or severe adversary events would be
required to undergo extensive psychiatric and psychological evaluation to determine the
extent of their adversary mental illness. They would then enter into a comprehensive
treatment program. If they were deemed a continuing public safety risk, they would
surrender their freedom during treatment. No human has the right to hurt another human.
They would remain incarcerated until they were cured. If they were never cured, they
would never be released. As our knowledge of adversary mental disorders improved and
as new techniques and therapies were created, we would gain in our ability to
successfully treat and cure these disorders. Once the Rehabilitation Physicians find an
individual has fully recovered and is no longer a threat to the public safety. They would
be released to move forward to the Educational program.
In addition to those coming from the rehabilitation program would be those individuals
found responsible for only minor adversary events. All individuals entering the
Educational Program would undergo a program specifically designed for them by the
Life Trust Guardianship’s Education Officers to correct the errors and mistakes that led to
their specific adversary event. Once they have completed the program and demonstrated
the understanding and knowledge necessary to avoid such events in the future, they
would move on to the restitution phase.
In a synergic culture where not hurting others is required, and helping others is highly
encouraged, restitution will be an important and common phenomena. Most of the time
injuries to others will be accidental. All humans will make mistakes and often those
mistakes will hurt others. Restitution is the mechanism of repair. We can’t always fix
things, but we can always sincerely apologize and offer restitution.
by adversary actions. Following successful rehabilitation and education, monitored
restitution is mandatory.