SynEARTH Moves to WordPress

Timothy Wilken

You may have noticed that the appearance of our website has changed.

In the ten years that the SynEARTH Network has been online we have posted over 7500 articles and news items. Thanks for reading them.

We have been moving our websites from the Manila software platform that was state of the art in 1999 to today’s leading platform—WordPress.

In July, we moved Future Positive and CommUnity of Minds. This weekend we moved the mothership herself—News for a Synergic Earth.

Things will look a little different, and things will work a little differently as well. We hope you grow to like the change. We will gain some new features. We will now be able to handle comments more effectively, and can add trackbacks and pingbacks. Give us a little time to get the new system figured out, and those new features will be activated.

You may notice typos on many of our pages. Quotation marks (” “) and m-dashes (—) did not translate well. We have some broken links, as well as some formatting and color issues. We are working on getting everything fixed.

Again, we thank you for your continued interest and support.