Random Encounters with Your Deep Self

This morning’s essay views our present crisis as an opportunity. This is a positive change from the many essays that have focused on the danger within our crisis. The author penned this essay in February 2009.

Catherine Bean Weser

It is an auspicious time. The years from 2009 through 2012 are full of tremendous possibility. Energies are shifting and in cosmic time, these years are ones of cosmic awakening. To live in an awakened manner means to be fearless, present, and in a state of total freedom in the One Life.

It all starts with self-acceptance. The truth is that trying to change who you are in the moment, to become something that you think you are not, is delusion, based on an assumption of inadequacy. Cosmic awakening sees that there is no progression of events or strategies that will take you to a point of awakening. We would describe the recognition of an awakened experience as something more like a random encounter with your deep self. Your deep self is always present, although your intellect and mind often chatter to try to distract you from that knowing.

We suggest that all of you have had such random encounters with the deepest, most essential aspects of your total being, and that each random encounter is a spontaneous initiatory experience.  With these encounters as reference points of the deep self, eventually the intellect, the dualistic device designed  to hold us in time and space, relinquishes its control and you live in the awakened state fully realizing it.

The doors are always open and in the course of simply experiencing your life, you are very likely to have many random encounters with your deep self. They are those times when you have direct perception without intellectual interference, without judgment or comment from your history or your process.

Often it is in the midst of the chaos and the upheaval of your deepest and darkest issues that a random encounter occurs. Like the lotus spontaneously arising from the seemingly darkest waters, the absolute perfection of  all suddenly is realized. It is as if your attention snaps and a breakdown/breakthrough allows the unpremeditated light to shine.

All along you probably had an intuition of something more profound, underneath the heavy cloak that keeps you from your joy. The cloak drops to the floor and with a “thud” all is light once again. This is a random encounter with the deep self. It is an initiatory experience which reinforces what you know to be truth and light–what you know, but often cannot articulate or explain.

In those times when you feel despair or confusion, are engulfed by fear or ignorance, you have probably noticed that meditation is difficult if not impossible. That is because meditation has become, in that state, a strategy for the alleviation of personal distress. You unconsciously try to make meditation take you from what is to something other than what is–and it doesn’t work. Meditation is the method by which we reinforce the knowing of the silent center of our being; therefore, it is best to meditate when we are in more neutral states, and not when we want to change what we mistakenly believe to be real.

Your intellect or your dualistic mental body is tenacious; it holds on to a sense of security based on social conventions, faith, history, and many other tenets of belief. If you can shift your sense of security from what your intellect believes is real to knowing the pure creative energy you embody, you can experience liberation, freedom, and an awakened life.

If you are secure in your creativity, then you will have an answer or response for anything that should confront you. If you respond creatively to every challenge you face, all possibilities exist and all results are possible. This flexibility is going to be especially useful in the next three years when it is likely that there will be many changes and challenges confronting most people on the planet.

When we speak about creativity, we speak about the willingness to try something new. Ask yourself if you are relying primarily on old responses from the past–which may not even have worked in the past—and become willing to be different. Whenever you are willing to change, you open a door allowing a random encounter with your deep self.

Just as in the movie The Matrix, anomalies cause the whole system, or paradigm, to reboot; anomalies cause the evolution of the program. You cannot stay in the Matrix and try to be safe within it by following all its rules while simultaneously knowing that you live outside of the Matrix also.

It would not be wise to try to do everything your dualistic mental body tells you to do to be safe in the old paradigm, while you are also deeply aware of being in a new paradigm of an awakened, liberated life. When you respond to a situation creatively, doing something different than what you have done in the past, reality shifts and the tenacious intellect succumbs to a supra-intellectual reality.

Random encounters of the deep self, spontaneous initiatory experiences, cannot be discounted. Embracing these experiences creates constant reconfiguration of reality constructs and your security becomes dependent on your ability to respond in a creative manner to the ever-changing moment.

The point we wish to make is that randomness is something to embrace—the thought or the idea that you should be in bliss all the time embraces static sameness and actually seeks a kind of safety that is illusion. Believing that things are going wrong if you experience something difficult indicates an egoic attachment to the divisibility of experience as something to accept or something to reject.

This will get you stuck in linearity and keep you thinking that life needs to be evaluated, and you will be so busy with you inner ledger sheets that you will miss the experience of every moment. All your experience is indivisible from your self. This is where “being” comes in.

So what can you do to enhance or promote random encounters with your deep self?

Come together with others with the same intention to activate, realize, stabilize and transform our habituated thought processes and inner “stories” of reality. Accept who you are right now and live with indivisibility. Love the moment and love life.

Copyright (c) 2009 by Catherine Bean Weser.

More by Catherine Bean Weser