Today, I continue my investigation of human history from the perspective of synergic science. This is the third article in a series that began earlier this week with a discussion […]
Continue readingHuman Synergetics by N. Arthur Coulter, MD
I have just posted an additional four chapters of the synergic science classic: SYNERGETICS: An Adventure in Human Development. … Dr. Coulter writes: There is available to every human mind a state […]
Continue readingThe Rest of the World – Where Adversity Rules
Yesterday, I posted a selection from the history of humanity from the perspective of a synergic scientist. I began my focus by examining the American Revolution and the birth of […]
Continue readingThe American Revolution – The Birth of Institutional Neutrality
The following is a selection from a book in progress on the history of humanity from the perspective of synergic science. This is the first post of the Human History […]
Continue readingWhat is a Tensegrity?
Tensegrity is the pattern that results when push and pull have a win-win relationship with each other. The pull is continuous and the push is discontinuous. The continuous pull is […]
Continue readingTime-Energy Accounting
“I sincerely believe… that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is […]
Continue readingWho Owns the Earth?
Elsewhere, I have challenged the concept of ownership of the Earth. The land and natural resources are wealth provided to us by God and Nature. The sunshine, air, water, land, […]
Continue readingStay Within the Lines?
The following selection is from an address by Daniel Quinn to the Student Pugwash “Technologies of Peace” Conference, Carnegie Mellon University, in 1997. Daniel Quinn Ishmael I follow a strange rule that […]
Continue readingThe Human Potential
A human being is, so to speak, a continuously operating push button of change. All the amplifications and effects that can he produced by human interaction are to some […]
Continue readingTransition to an Ecological Worldview
Yesterday, Ralph Metzner explained that we humans have lost our connection with Mother Earth. We have seen ourselves as separate from Life and from the Planet that is our home. […]
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