Notes from a Seminar

I am currently reading Neale Donald Walsch’s Communion with God and The New Revelations. I highly recommend them. To give you a flavor of Walsh’s ideas, I found the following Notes from a Neale Donald Walsch’ Seminar on Wally (Vladimir) Kuskoff‘s website.

Wally (Vladimir) Kuskoff

Help others to reach their highest.

Following three points are for the brave people. Second point is for braver and the last is for the bravest.

1. Practice looking in the eye of another for more than three seconds. It reestablishes contact. As long as you look you’ll be in love. You can’t really argue when you are looking in the eye.

2. Then SMILE – it is a small gift for yourself and others and it is for free. Smile can heal. When you smile, you give me pleasure. You are helping others to discover themselves. They will feel worth in themselves.

You can heal everything, if you will smile five times a day for no reason. It does not count, if you smile for a reason. (I’ve tried it and it is amazing how it helps.)

3. Then say something nice about their dress, hair, their helpfulness.

Money is energy, attracted to people not because of what they do but because of what they are. People pay for beingness. Being is what I am within. You are not selling a product or a service but your feeling. All want to be happy. Make ten people happy every day for a month and you’ll see how your life will change.

Health – pain and suffering are two different experiences that you choose. You can have pain without suffering. Suffering will increase, if you resist it. Do not identify with the suffering. Use the power of your mind to heal yourself. It is amazing how people resist being happy.

The art of life

The art of life is to get the universe to help you. Our collective thinking creates the reality we live in.

1. Life exist – everything moves – ALL is motion – all is life. You are life or God – what is the difference. It’s energy.

2. It is under our control. We can manipulate it. We can do anything if we know how to use it.

3. We are using it now unconsciously – all of us. We are experiencing what we think.

You will never make yourself wrong. You will fulfill your own prophesy. You are God of your own world.

Public announcement of your vision gives opportunity for others to help you. If you do not share your vision, you will rob the world of the chance to experience your vision. Do not rob others, because you are afraid or uncomfortable. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Fear and guilt are your only enemies. What will happen if you fail? I need your greatness to remind me of who I am. Ask yourself, “If all did what I do, what will happen?”

Thoughts, Words and Deeds

Thoughts are energy. Look at the mirror and see yourself as great. People are waiting for you to confirm their own thoughts of greatness about themselves.

Make a list of what you want to be. Be concrete. Make a program for yourself, of visualizing 10 minutes twice a day of what you want to have. By visualizing over and over desired outcome you will start creating it. We create our own reality.

Do not change your mind and you’ll get what you want. Ask for all but do not expect anything and accept everything you get. Thoughts that are emotionalized are quadrupled in power. Love and fear are the greatest emotions.

Do not try to work out how it will happen; just make a decision what you would like to have. You choose what you would like to happen and let God choose how it would happen. Let go and let God. Do not tell him how.

Here Neale shared his own experience on how he continued to choose what he wanted and eventually he received it, although there was only a slim chance that it could happen. He knew that it would happen but did not know how it would happen.


A participant asked about the teaching of no-thought, as taught by some Eastern Masters.

Neale answered: No-thought is a good place to visit but not to stay. No-thought means to be one with All That Is, which means becoming nothing. When no-thought becomes nothing, then not even nothing exist.

We are – an individual expression of All That Is. When you are melted back to All That Is you reemerge. When Master achieves no-thought he comes back to thought.

I got a distinct impression from his answer that you would not be staying too long in the place of no-thought, which means – no experience. There, the time has no meaning, no matter how long you stay there; eventually you would choose to do something.

Words are heavier forms of thoughts. Words are made with vibrations – voice. Words are creative. They are powerfully creative when they are spoken with feeling and emotions, but not when they are spoken in anger, without believing it.

Use your words carefully. They are commands to the Universe and it only says yes and produces what you give it. Are your words producing what you desire?

If you say, “My life is falling apart.” God will give you that. It is better to say the opposite: “My life is becoming better.” Others may say that you are in self-denial. But don’t be a realist, because you will only be agreeing with the reality of most people. You are creating you own reality.

See what is but say what you want to be. Most say, “I’ll believe when I see it.” Masters say, “I will see it when I believe it.”

Sponsoring or root thoughts were planted within us in childhood. They cannot be deleted but we can add to it. So do not worry about it. Just start a new thought.

Ask yourself: What do I want now? Be clear about it. Write it out and check it twice. E.g. All I need is coming to me now. I love money and it loves me.

Nothing happens to an individual without him choosing it. What you are experiencing, is what you have chosen but may not be consciously aware of it.

It is important to change your perspective from time to time, to save yourself from your mind rut, e.g. deliberately seat in another place; go to some place that you will not usually go; eat what you will not usually eat; dress differently, do something different Ö Your actions will say, “I want to experience all aspects of life.”

Deeds – doing is the slowest form of vibrations. Saying is slower than thinking but doing is even slower. Observer affects everything he observes. Quantum particles appear and disappear where the observer expects.

When I move my hand, I am really re-imagining it in another place. Do not let your body do independently of what you say and think. Let there be unity in your thoughts, words and deeds.

Mastery is achieved one moment at a time. When there is unity in thoughts, words and deeds. It is the sum of these moments. There is no mystery – we are doing for ourselves what we are experiencing. So, let’s play the game of life happily.

To succeed in life:

1. Meditate twice every day, 10 to 15 minutes, as a gift for yourself, a gift for your Soul. And Stop Meditation 2 or 3 times a day for 30 seconds each time. You stop in your tracks and absorb that moment; become aware of your body sensations and what you hear, see, smell, feel.

Every moment has a gift for you. It is taking that moment and being fully in that moment. See things as happening through you and not to you.

2. Be happy – do not let yourself be unhappy; move your self away from unhappy place or situation. There is no need to prove anything by being unhappy. Say to people, “Be happy!” as a goodbye.

3. Eat well – more of alive food and not much red meat.

4. Exercise – move yourself to feel better.

5. Do more than you are required.

Being => Doing => Having

Most of the people approach life: “When I have enough, then I do Ö and then I’ll be happy.” Path to being, we thought, was through doing and got disappointed. You need nothing or do anything but you decide the state of being in your mind.

I am happy (I choose it arbitrarily) then I do what happy people do and then I will have what happy people have. In the morning claim who you ARE; “I am a success!”

Doing becomes a reflection of being and you’ll have it. Doing is an announcement of who you are. Begin with the destination.

Be the Master Mind. Your mind obeys you – do not obey your mind or your body. They are your tools to express who you are. You are not human doing but human being. You can go against what you think.

You need to take back your power of decision to be what you want to be. The world is a lie, an illusion. If we think we are emotionally getting older, we will not allow ourselves to be wrong. We are in the business of making ourselves right.

You only experience what you believe. You do not need to go through a process to become but each one of us has our own way. Enlightenment is a decision – you decide and be that. Outward will not agree with you at first.

Love = freedom. Control is not love. Love has nothing to do with need. Love is not process of needs met like a trade.

Some say, “I love you so much that I take away your freedom.” But love is freedom. Lack of freedom is lack of love. I love you, means you are completely free to be as you will. You should feel bigger when you are loved. Love casts out fear.

Visit Neale Donald Walsh’s website