Paul Bacarte
The future will recognize that a terrible shock-wave attended the birth of the third millennium. A monstrous terrorist attack on the American World Trade Center and the Pentagon announced that some things were changing dramatically, and as a consequence, others would have to be changed as soon as possible. Retaliation and suppression, merciless eradication of the Evil, were, understandably, the first emotional and sturdy exclamations to be heard ! Obedience to such barbarian tribal instigations and primitive mass instincts, without further considerations about psychological and societal causes of the despicable and grievous things that happened, and the rough consequences of the additional evil of “an eye for an eye”, is the very last the world is in need of. The world is vacillating dangerously at the parting of two roads, one ominous road tracing a diabolic spiral of aggression and blind destruction, the other, much more difficult, appealing to superior intellectual faculties, leading into generalized wealth and bliss everywhere. For the latter to realize, mankind has to take a high threshold, inducing some mutations in the worldwide ‘civilization´ as we have known it up to now. Happily enough, such mutations can take place within the frame of an adapted, much more humanized capitalism, which make them essentially less utopic to occur in the near future.